Republican ideas are always bad for the folks who need assistance of any sort.

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Brad Paisley just loves to do commercials

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Big business will just sign up all their employees that are already travelling there for work. They will go through all 10000 vouchers before...oops, they're gone.

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Wierd how just a few short months ago the tourism industry was worth dying for (other people of course) but now a paltry 2.5 million dollars is a bridge too far for these yokels

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Brad Paisley has a spot see aside for him in hell with every other republican.Fuck Him and his fake cowboy hat, fucking cornpone Nazi.

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"We have a limited number of free oh wait they are gone nevermind" is the story of my life.

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Horse Pron?

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Is there like a republican style guide now, where you're required to look like you have late stage liver damage if you're in office? Do they send out gift wrapped makeup kits after you win your election?

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He's also the shithead that wrote that song about being an "accidental racist" with LL Cool J. God damn. Go away, Brad.

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In the article, they explained that while other tourist destinations like Gatlinburg and Dollywood are doing okay, the cities have lost a lot of convention business in particular.

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Thing about accidental racists is that they're still racists.

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Brad Paisley: "Sorry bout the confederate flag on my t-shirt, I just like Skynyrd! HERP DERP DERP DERP!"

LL Cool J: "Hey man it's fine, I'll forgive white people for slavery if you forgive me for wearing jewelry, I guess?"

Maybe the worst song ever written

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"Tennesseans," including my little brother and his wife, who are Baptists and voted for The Homunculus.

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Outrageous. I was planning to celebrate getting vaccinated with a trip to Unicoi. Where's my $250?

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Tennessee on Me sounds like a Trump fetish.

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It’s the story of all give-aways.

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