14 justices, including 3 chief justices, have been confirmed in election years or between election and inauguration. This is completely unprecedented. Much like a black president, which I'm sure is totally coincidental.

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Ask the GOP. Because they do.

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Seems like pretty obvious sarcasm to me, but that's just me.

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If (as is reasonably likely) the Dems take the Senate, there may well be a further change to the filibuster rule.

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I think it's possible that some jurists higher on the list just didn't want to be nominated. They may not have publicly taken themselves out of contention, but may have let Obama know that they didn't want to go through the bullshit that they knew they would have to go through. Garland knew that this would be his last chance to become a SCOTUS judge so he was willing to roll the dice.

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I'm an idiot... What's a poll tax?

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"Look - nobody's going to nominate a far-left SC judge. Nobody."Why not?

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Also wide stances.

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Literally making people pay to vote:http://www.americaslibrary....Basically, another racist Jim Crow law. It was outlawed by the 24th Amendment. The GOP have, of course, brought it back in a subtler form with their Voter ID laws that require forms of ID that cost money & are hard for poor people to obtain.

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There have been a couple of cases where corporations which have appealed have now settled rather than pay the costs of an appeal they can't win.

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...and this is the Republican establishment at work, not the Tea Trumpets. Where is a big parking-lot sized Florida sinkhole when it's really needed?

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The strategy you describe is one Pres. Obama has executed multiple times to approximately as much avail as Charlie Brown thinking that maybe this one time Lucy won't pull the football away at the last minute. He should've nominated a progressive jurist, No. 1 to be true to himself (if in face he is not a secret moderate Republican) and No. 2 to prevent the kind of lame-duck crap of which Ms. KGJ writes above.

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yeah, yet we still are only going to be granted a choice between a billionaire and a millionaire (yup, the Clintons are millionaires now). it's not like we're living in a democracy, and the C.U. decision only drove us further on down Oligarchy Road...

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What I'm afraid of is if Hillz gets the nomination, the Bernie supporters will be so pissed they will take their vote and go home.

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Do you mean Ronnie Raygun, Antonin Scalia, or Republican Jesus?

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