TRICK QUESTION I want SNAP to apply to all the babbies I genocide also, too.

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Be generous. Halloween candy may be that family's only food source for a while.

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Didn't that Jeebus guy say something about feeding the hungry?

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Okay Poors, here's the deal. Here are your options:

1. You can sit there, and quietly let your family starve to death because heartless Kochbuchets have been able to sell Austerity XTREME™ as the latest craze sweeping America. 2. You can vote out the GOP bastards in the next election cycle, and hopefully things will get better going forward (with votes) 3. You can start breaking shit now ("with votes")

I recommend collecting lots of Halloween candy, maybe you can blame it on sugar.

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Just in time for the holidays!

Scrooge: If they'd rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Good night, gentlemen.

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Welfare is for corporations and job creators. Why should politicians care about poor people? Most of them don't vote, or can't get around the rules put in place to make it harder for the ones who do want to vote. Or contribute campaign money. Or hire lobbyists. Or have friends who are politicians.

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...do Ramen Noodles come in Turkey and Stuffing flavors?

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Ok, fine, now that I've derped a mile in their shoes can I have my foot bleach?

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Is Hooters trying some subliminal advertizing? First we had a boobies story, now a photo of chicken wings.

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Is that chicken crusty from all the Repub's fucking it?

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<i>nobody has yet come close to proving the US’s debt levels endanger economic growth</i>

In the wingnut world, wishing something was true makes it just real enough to be an actual fact.

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Pretty convincing wingnut rant, but needs moar Bengazi!!!!!1! , CAPS LOCK, and misspellings

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Don't sugarcoat it CB!

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This is bad news for king crab farmers.

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Soylent Green is ... delicious!

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Wingnut logic:

As a government contractor, I built my own business, got rich pretty quick, and retired early. Honestly, if an idiot like me can do it, what's the matter with these Poors?

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