Thank you!

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That part was pretty funny.

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And he is going to get away with it...unless Our new Prez (H or B) puts his ass in jail.

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I know, this sounded exactly like my son when he was a toddler (or, a teenager). "It's your fault for not stopping me."

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BIGGER KITTENS EXPECTING THEIR DINNER AT 4PM (notice how Moustached Brother is determined to maintain eye contact)

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Say what you will about the Borgias, dude, at least they had an ethos!

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Of course, said by someone who's stealing penicillin from sick children.

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Ricky can lie to his heart's content about who was responsible, but the US Justice Department is investigating all of this and they--given the paper trail involved here--will easily ascertain the truth and when they do, Snyder's going to have to some REAL EXPLAINING to do. With very real consequences for what he says.Of every sordid detail of this story, from the usurping of the authority of every elected official in Flint (an action which was as close to pre-war Germany's Enabling Act has we have ever seen in America), to the permanent damage done to the children who were forced to drink poisoned water because there was no local government to look out for them, the thing that bothers me the most is that nobody did a goddamn thing about any of this until General Motors told the state they were switching to an alternate water supply because the gunk coming out of the Flint River was corroding the engines they were building at their Flint plant. In other words, the most important consideration for the Snyder Administration was not life-long damage to children, but rather damage to a corporation's bottom line. F-U-C-K; fuck Rick Snyder.

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And a knuckle sammich.

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The sand in Jebus' hourglass is definitely not quicksand.

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No worries. Snyder has #MikeLee and #JasonChaffetz to protect him and cover up all his crimes.

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I regularly have tea emergencies.

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I own, & proudly wear a tshirt that says "Screw your lab safety, I want superpowers"

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The Enbridge Spill is notable for another reason...because the "oil" is very heavy, actually heavier than water (consisting largely of Alberta tar sands...), much of the spill remains at the bottom of the Kalamazoo River.

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4000 Friedman Units?

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Cuckoo clock and cheese and those little pocket knives with all the doohickeys.

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