And this fuckwit gets TV time for what again?

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New GOP campaign song: <i>I would do anything for votes, but I won't do that</i>

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According to Senate Candidate-At-Large, Scott Brown, women aren't interested in issues like health care.

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But at least you can drive 75 mph for most of it!

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Reince and repeat.

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Skagway? <em>Skagway</em>? You pick a town that has less than 1,000 residents and is well-known as a tourist trap for the "Are you better off now?" refrain to get away from your parties absolutely odious record on women's health?

If there was an actual person in the opposite seat rather than the living prop Chuck Todd, there might have been questions.

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Skagway was actually important in the Alaska Boundary Dispute of 1904 between Canada and the United States. You guys got Skagway. Hope you like it.

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Dentists, chiropractors, vets, therapists - all of 'em. Maybe it would actually show how ridiculous this admitting-privileges thing is when we get down to the voodoo practitioners and witch doctors.

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Pals - assumes facts not in evidence.

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Too easy - when he becomes a real journamalist

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What, in actual fact, is the fuck wrong with these people? How can they not see that YOU DON'T HAVE A SAY IN THIS? It is none of your fucking business! None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. You have NO right or privilege to regulate what I do with my reproductive system. If I want to have an implant, take pills, or use condoms, so fucking what? It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. And if I decide not to carry a pregnancy to term, again, so what? Let me say it one more time: None. Of. Your. Business. And if I am a medical professional, and I choose to provide a needed service to women, you should be applauding my self-sufficiency in taking the risks and starting a business, not doing everything you can to shut my business down, throw my employees out of their jobs, or even kill me for doing something you don't approve of. Gawd knows I don't approve of some of the businesses out there - I'd like to have a serious talk with the people who create the awful caricatures of our President, and those jerks who won't bake cakes for gay weddings - but I don't shoot them. Or advocate for others to do so. I just don't - and I know this concept is strange to the anti-choice crowd - patronize their businesses. <gasp> You, too, can choose not to have an abortion. Simple! Tl:dr - wingnuts, STFU

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In summary: Fuck Toad turns out to be worthless, surprising nobody.

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