It's compelling evidence.

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Hillary killed them! Scientific proof!

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Good God, don't tell me they can reproduce!

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Cepheid, also, too.

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This picture. Even Hillz is shocked when the drone strike she ordered rips through four Americans in Benghazi!!!http://static4.businessinsi...

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GOP: We don't give a rat's ASS how many people died at embassies when Bush was President

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And all Obama did was sit there and think, "Damn, are we absolutely certain they were all Christians?"

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No, the Senator is in the perfect place to accomplish something now and/or in the future. As president, or failed nominee, she has far less ability to impact legislation. She's not running. And be happy about the fact.

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6x + 7 = 6x + 7

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I don't trust anyone who isn't corrupt.

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For very long, anyway.

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Perhaps an average of the three?

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There was a "Deuce" Gowdy, but he got dropped.

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Serious bed-head.

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Good, we're finally going to find out why Bill had to go to Monica for the bjs.

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Because the more often you say it, the less meaningful it gets.

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