it's the only thing that has kept my sister from freaking out in her current unemployed state. Through ACA she found a subsidized method of keeping her insurance, not the horrors of COBRA

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Oh, and don't forget the obvious connection! Hillary DARED to accept a fair fee for a speech to Goldman Sachs!

(I checked what other top level political women were asking as speaking fees. Hillary is a two-term first lady and former SecState. Her asking fee was in the same ballpark - about 5-10% - as that of Laura Bush (two-term First Lady) PLUS Condi Rice (former SecState).

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He's been listening to so much Inforwars that he now looks like Alex Jones https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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This is also playing into the Senate race in Michigan. The Republican nominee, John James who is Black and a veteran and campaigns on the basis that the George Floyd murder and the BLM protests are equally bad, and have you noticed that he is Black and a veteran, ran against our other Senator (Debbie Stabenow) in 2018 on promises to end the nightmare of Obamacare. So his opponent, incumbent Gary Peters, reminds everyone that James pledged to end coverage for pre-existing conditions and end all insurance for millions of folks, and how bad this would be in the middle of a pandemic, and James doesn't have much to say in response except nuh-UHHH!

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The problem with Or 2 is that no one in their right mind would want to live in most of those counties. That leaves the seat wide open for mindless people. Ashland excepted.

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They advertise on the local AM radio station, alternating with the "get out of paying taxes" scams.

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By that logic, no one has ever died of AIDS.

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>even before we know what the issue is we are talking about

That, and even worse. Mann and Ornstein report a case where Republicans were pushing a bill, Obama got behind it, and suddenly they treated their own bill like a toxic spider.

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Oh, Little Miss Sunshine, you are right in some instances, but talking out your ass in others. At least THEY have insurance. Now, you might read that and be offended, but I heartily agree in a right to public health care, bless us one and all, to paraphrase Tiny Tim, as we go forward; it should be, and can be, the nationwide standard.

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COBRA is an insulting joke. "Sorry you lost your job. Now that you now have no source of income, that'll be $2,000 a month for health insurance, please."

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Having happily enjoyed There were serfs that lamented the end of serfdom. Really, there were. Your anecdote that your experience was OK does not change the essentially crappy nature of the system.

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Put a sock in it, Chester. You don't know shit.

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I love that people embraced ObamaCare. I wish we had kept calling Children's health care ClintonCare. I wish we have JohnsonCare and JohnsonAid not only for the same partisan reasons but also because these make me giggle.

Let's keep on calling it Obamacare. It makes it harder for the Republicans to lie about owning it. If all those HS grad parents had associated HRC with the health care provided to their kids, it would be a far better 2020.

I am never going to call Obamacare "ACA".

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I wonder if any Trump supporters with preexisting conditions have bothered to question how their mandatory coverage will be paid for: Obama's Mandate of Socialist Devilry, the destruction of which is R's key to trying to kill the entire ACA....or maybe high risk pools that are prohibitively expensive or "coverage" that's so minimal as to be useless. Seriosuly. They're so desperate to be RIGHT and to WIN and to TAKE BACK AMERICA that they swallow his absolutely meritless claims about standing by those with preexisting conditions with some magic, detail-less "plan" that he'll TOTALLY tell you about, but only AFTER he wins 'cause, like, he's super busy right now 'n' stuff, y'know?

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