We need a gay Muslim...from Mexico.

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good, but needz moar bad speling.

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Nothing odd about that combination IMHO.

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Now THAT'S a re-enactment hobby I could get into.

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Poor GOP...they were looking for Young Guns and all they got were Old Huns.

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I'd like to see the Bob Crane-style videos.

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You bet your bippy I do!

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Aren't there any blacks or Hispanics interested enough in WWII history to join them?

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Do your relations insist on watching Fox News when they visit? Tell jokes about Obama & Pelosi? And I'm guessing you live in a dry county?

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The Family, with their C Street boys' club, is known to have great respect for the Nazi method of domination and control. Via Wiki: <i>Jeff Sharlet and Andrea Mitchell have described Fellowship leader Doug Coe as preaching a leadership model and a personal commitment to Jesus Christ comparable to the blind devotion that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, and Pol Pot demanded from their followers. In one videotaped lecture series in 1989, Coe said: "Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler were three men. Think of the immense power these three men had...But they bound themselves together in an agreement...Two years before they moved into Poland, these three men had...systematically a plan drawn out...to annihilate the entire Polish population and destroy by numbers every single house...every single building in Warsaw and then to start on the rest of Poland." Coe adds that it worked; they killed six and a half million "Polish people." Though he calls Nazis "these enemies of ours," he compares their commitment to Jesus' demands: "Jesus said, ‘You have to put me before other people. And you have to put me before yourself.' Hitler, that was the demand to be in the Nazi party. You have to put the Nazi party and its objectives ahead of your own life and ahead of other people.</i>

The Young Guns have a lot in common with the Nazi Youth.

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Wait until you see the one with the swastika sticking out his ass.......It's all fun and games until one of the boys tries turning that fucker.

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I actually forwarded that in as a tip but no takers. The one thing I admire about 'The Family' is that they state flat out they're interested only in the 'top men', the powerful. And that they talk more about earthly success than doing-unto-others. That's keepin' it real.

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We're a damn fine bunch then.

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I googled that and one of the symptoms is "Loss of appetite" which is clearly not the case with Mr. Iott.

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"Banned by Breitbart" is a badge of honor. Be sure to put it on your next resume, or at least your Facebook page.

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"Prancing with the Stars" comes to my mind for some reason.

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