Good grief... how do they even come up with this shit?

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Look, if you give $3200 to some welfare queen and king making $200k per annum just because they have kids that they don't want to take care of, they're just going pop out more babies to get more bailouts while they continue to make bad choices like eating at non-franchise restaurants and getting the leather seats and moonroof in their new Audi.

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OK, OK - Girl on the left: "It goes in there??"

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Yeah, consumption is feature, not bug.

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And the boy on the left holding a page on women’s fashion?

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And Eisenhower was a bit of an outlier as he was courted by both parties; he was in to win regardless of ideology.

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Yes, they couldn't have that. Fucking idiots.

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With everything they look at they ask the followig question, how can they squeeze more money out if it?

Everything naturally follows from that.


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Egggg-sactly!Enough is never enough.

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"Going to be...."?! Look at that marabou fan. She is already causing shit.

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What with wanting clean air and water...

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my taxes will probably go up about $5k if this bullshit passes, health insurance for my family of 3 just went up $500 a month. if that meant that a poor person would get more help from the government or get cheaper health care I would be all for it, but that's not the case, I'm paying more so princess Ivanka doesn't have to pay anything. motherfucker

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Well said!

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