If he runs as an independent, part of his campaign could be showcasing how much corruption he uncovered in the GOP. His base would eat it up.

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Stiff a hooker? That horse sailed years ago.

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Hint: Ladies, we never grow up.

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I got your smocking gun right here! Oddly, it's from South Africa rather than Russia:https://www.ebay.com/itm/Re...

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As a rule it works even LESS well when you're an adult.

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Hardly worth going to all the trouble of typing up a charge sheet.

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So what you're saying is, this iS something you should be aiming for?

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Yeah, would someone please remind Congressman Hot Take that the incoming majority don't take their marching orders from the opposite party leader, especially when they're a borscht-slurping partisan hack who proudly bragged about abusing his power in order to hurt an icky girl candidate.

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Yup - United Fruit Company was the big player at the time, Dole's (Standard Fruit) main competitor. UFC is now Chiquita. So it goes.

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It's only funny because his base would be spooning bullshit directly into their mouths.

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I cannot second this motion loudly or quickly enough.

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And UFC was often a front for CIA operations in Central America.

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Silly wabbit. Don't you know that only Democratic politicians commit crimes? Republicans just have trouble complying with all the pesky regulations the Deep State keeps cramming down our throats.

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It's probably telling that these crimes are a bigger deal because the perpetrators don't possess penises.

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