Clearly, someone went to the Palin school of poetry.

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That's worse than death!Have you ever stepped on one of those in the dark?!

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I just sent him the link to "Fox & Friends." $10,000, please.

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Is National Spay & Neuter Week over?

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Yes, he is the one behind that infamous ridiculous slander that ended up destroying the great group ACORN. He never apologized for that, either. And you're trying to claim as a positive when it's proof what an evil lying pieced of shit O'Keefe is? Fuck you are a vile excuse for a human being. Go fuck yourself you evil old man.

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My first thought is he knows that the wingnut facists that worship him will take any single sentence out of context and blow it completely our of proportion until it becomes their newest outrage of the week. Like Assange did with the Podesta emails. Dump a bunch of boring, inside baseball conversations that contain nothing horrible whatsoever and by the end if the week, thousands of people are believing they prove crazy shit like that Clinton fixed the polls and got paid to let Benghazi happen.

Perform an info dump on paranoid, irrational idiots and sit back to watch the fireworks.

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Yeah, because trolling people and calling them idiots is so constructive. Remember when the Right had an ideological center and a purpose? Now they just bitch about libs all day and do the opposite. I swear, if liberals were in favor of every 8 year old being issued an assault rifle you'd suddenly be extolling the virtues if gun control. You have no real center or core beliefs beyond "libturds suk".

Works out great for the politicians. Keeps you guys distracted. All they care about is diminishing your livelihood to accentuate theirs. Yet you line up like little scared sheep to the slalighter.

We need a third party to take over for a while so you guys can go sit in a corner and shut the fuck up with all the "no I'M RIGHT!!!!" bullshit.

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With Lego in it.

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Turned out the protest was well founded, seeing how Milo is too vile even for Breitbart now.

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The trump presidency has encouraged the barely coherent to believe they're philosophers.

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I like the cut of your jib, and will begin suggesting this alternative.

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And it also makes it quite clear that this is a purely hypothetical 12-year-old girl in a scenario made up by paranoids. Good example!

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Wow -- if he gets his wish that "Keep it Civil" makes it into my weekly Deleted Comments column, riots will break out, and the left will be annihilated by righteous Patriots? I'm really going to have to think carefully about whether I include him, then.

Your comment, on the other hand, is pretty much guaranteed to make the cut.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Hmm. I pointed out that the comment was completely off-topic, and that's "visceral hatred"? Sorry, my true feelings are more like the bit from Casablanca between Peter Lorre and Bogie:


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I had to wade through a swamp of trolls to get here!

No. Let us not shake hands, That goop dripping from my hands ain't nice.

Still, Hail and well met!

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