Yeah...fuck the exchanges! People buying their own insurance in a competitive marketplace from private companies is socialism!

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Pick a side and stay on it, buster!

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All the upfists, my friend. You win the Internet today for succinct summation of Republican thinking.

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"I worry he'll return to lower derpland after the election" - you misspelled "know."

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Also, the Iraq War was great.

(Except for the invasion, deaths, destruction, unleashing of hell, and total waste of trillions of $$$ parts.)

--Gov. Kasich

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Yeah. there's a thought that's gonna fester.

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On the rare occasion when a conservative collides with the truth, it creates a black hole that not even Neil deGrasse Tyson could explain.

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"“I have favored expanding Medicaid, but I don’t really see expanding Medicaid as really connected to Obamacare,” Kasich told Politico."

You gotta see his point here. For example, I am against out of wedlock pregnancy, but I don't see that as being related to unprotected penis/vaginal sex. My "wife" (actually the woman who has been living in sin with me for 18 years) and our two kids disagree.

They are obviously wrong.

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you should totally go to Vegas and see what the line on this is. I predict that your prediction will be 100% accurate, only it may never get out of negotiations as there will be an enormous cat fight over whether it should be called CruzCare, RandAid, or SimplySantorum (for accuracy. It is, at least partly, shite).

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dammit you made me remember that jackass again. the Democratic Party in Ohio couldn't find a viable, qualified candidate if her name was Jennifer Brunner. Oh Wait! doh!

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don't forget Roberts ongoing quest to be the worst Chief Justice since Roger Taney.

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Must... resist.... rusting....

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<i>"...Went full Republican, went home empty handed."</i>

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I always like a good fairy tale.

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I agree Jennifer still has plenty of time to be a kick ass advocate for good in this world. But as long as the old guard asshats are in charge of the state party in Ohio, I wouldn't blame her if she didn't ever trust them with her awesomeness again. She wrote and instituted the early voting policy that GOP has been trying to dismantle ever since. She made it possible for early GOTV efforts to succeed in 2008 and 2012 and overturned the vile culture of Ken Blackwell in just a few short years. She had a wicked awesome rapport with young voters and the party decided to blow it all on Fisher, for what? To raise a couple of extra bucks from old guard dems? They killed the voter turn out in Ohio in 2010 when they endorsed him over Brunner and nailed the coffin shut with their abysmal handling of Strickland's reelection. I hope she tries again but it won't make a difference if the D Party in Ohio doesn't get its shit together first.

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