Why bother with reanimation?

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"that we don't like different words that have been chosen."

I hope she doesn't have a thesaurus in her house.

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I have a few bad words I'd like to call her, but the mods keep insisting I be "nice".

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From your mouth to FSM' ears.

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No matter what we do there is about 35% of the country that will vote Republican even if the nominee the reanimated corpse of Stalin

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Dianne Feinstein was a rodeo queen. Noem is a rodeo groupie.

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For all the talk about how bad CA and NY are, the fact is if we followed Noem's apporach to COVID, our death rates would be well over 100,000 or more.

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In South Dakota, there are almost zero public transportation systems and even shared elevators. That they have lost 1/500 people naturally designed to socially distance more than dense urban area can dream of, is criminal mismanagement of the crisis.

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Flatness. Cold. Like it will kill you in 5 minutes cold. No coast. But that's just me.

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"If we did something wrong, it's that we came too soon"-- paraphrasing SD nutjob

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I wonder what happens when she and Nikki Haley share a room.

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Same matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Haven’t we all seen TIMECOP?!https://youtu.be/D01mdGW9-Zg

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She's just not as skilled as Kellyanne when it comes to dodging questions. Take that masterclass when it's offered, Kristi. I have a feeling you're going to need it.

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Staring at the camera and not answering the questions. On right wing outlets, we hear softball questions and utter nonsense. In the MSM and left wing outlets, we hear regular questions to outright rude questions and get nothing but nonsense. Right wing politicians will say anything to say nothing. I'm not even sure what the point of listening to them is anymore. When you lie about everything, you can't even ask "why are you lying about this thing?"

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I wish people would talk about the real data instead of just telling whatever story fits the narrative. for instance I bet most people think the deaths are worse in CA than in NJ right? well per capita twice as many people died in NJ than in CA. twice. as. many. there are almost 8 times as many deaths in NJ as in vermont. is it all because of the policies that governors have done? no CA has been the most strict about the lockdown and we're doing worse that idaho which never locked down anything. some of it's policy, some of it's population density, some of it's whether or not people follow the policy, but I think a lot of it is just luck at this point. since the american policy has been "oh well, fuck it" each state has tried different approaches, but there's no data that says any approach is any better than any other.

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