Actually, Dok, the Ohio State Motto is: With God, all things are possible.

Wait a minute! Even He didn't get mentioned! The nerve.

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De Whine and Bitch and Moan can fuck right off. OHJB made that happen, along with Democrats in Congress.

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To be fair, I think you're automatically ousted from office if you don't make an electricity pun.

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"specialized technicians" = electricians, laborers, ...

do you think any will be union?

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Even though DeWHINE never credited President Biden, this is a good sign for the state of OH (Gymmy's a loser) and the country,/world writ large.

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It is worth noting that Ohio is not among bigger oil and gas states so DeWine can stand up on his hind legs and act human.

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OK for ridiculous fucking whiners claiming I BUILT THAT, here is the win this week for me: Marc Anderson writing about how the government should stay out of tech markets.



Remember this:


Please ignore the massive Federal investment requiring all those social justice lawyers you hold in open contempt ensuring you did not die broke and spitting at Explorer. Fucking idiot grift shithead.

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Looks like it might still be awhile before I personally get to benefit from these, however. While I'm gloomily coming to accept that my little HHR just may not have the staying power of its predecessor, I don't think I'm likely to find a used hybrid (little say EV) in my price range in the near future.

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I guess they need the big power shovel to dig a big hole for the underground electricity tanks.

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Imagine if the federal government had logos clearly visible on everything it funds, the way corporations plaster their branding on everything they touch.

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We need a meme for the Blue states giving money to Uncle Sam with the Red states snatching money out of his hand!

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Ohio voters who have already defeated their state repubs' attempt to rig the requirement for ballot referendums, will now vote this fall to protect women's abortion rights. Mike DeWine is telling them that this is not necessary, despite his earlier signing of bills to take away those rights. Because, just like his talking about these electric car chargers, Mikey is a lying, two-faced, POS.

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Their big worry is that their voters seemed to be confused. That's the word being repeated by everyone in the Republican Party, Mikey included.

And they are confused. They were inundated with "Vote Yes on Issue 1" in August, and now, two months later, they're being inundated with "Vote No on Issue 1", and, apparently, a significant number of them are truly confused.

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Lying - the GOP SOP.

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Santos wearing sportshirt and tie, then zip-up athletic outerwear, with suit coat over the top. Very fashion-forward.

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Don't you remember the freakout when he presented it in Milan?

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I missed the flip. Was busy preparing breakfast, and for the last 10 minutes I've been fighting Zooty who is under the impression that avocado slices are good food for cats.

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I have since confirmed that avocado is not recommended for our feline friends, or canine friends, for that matter. And several other various animals. Contains some chemicals that can screw up GI tracts. So Zooty will just have to suffer.

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I have since confirmed that avocado is not recommended for our feline friends, or canine friends, for that matter. And several other various animals. Contains some chemicals that can screw up GI tracts. So Zooty will just have to suffer.

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"We barely supported this, but we'll take the credit!"

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...and the money

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ALLLLLLL the money!

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If I had the last name Chesebro I would name my kids Colby-Jack and Brie.

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Or "Don't Cut the"?

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That's a Gouda idea!

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How could you munster enough courage to tell us those names?

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I have thought of getting a couple of Jack Russels and naming them Monty and Pepper.

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