How'd you know what his nickname was when he was just a tot?

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Look on the bright side. It's thinning the herd if idiots. That means less votes for idiots representing the herd of idiots. It also raises the average IQ of America.

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Works for me....but then again, why go to the effort to save them???

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He has not yet outgrown tot-hood

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Ms'sippi wypipo, that's who.

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People are saying that Tate Reeves's family tree has no branches.

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Governor, why are you, or anyone serving in office if using the resources of government to positively affect the health and safety of your citizens is so contrary to your political beliefs? My guess is a large number of Mississippians don't HAVE a doctor to consult, and if you do, odds are that provider is stretched six ways to Sunday. Government:if not now,WHEN?

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I always wondered about that - well, ever since Trump said it. If Article Two of the constitution gives the president power you wouldn't believe, power essentially to do whatever he wants, it's odd that none of the 44 presidents before Trump ever realized it.

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I'm actually torn on this. Part of me completely agrees with you; if they don't want to take care of themselves then too bad. OTOH, I suspect most every family has one person who doesn't want to get vaccinated. I also suspect that those families don't want to see their loved ones go in such a horrible fashion.

So, what then are we to do? The answer seems to be: try to persuade as many people as possible to get vaccinated, while understanding that there are some who will just refuse to get into the lifeboat. I still think we have to try and persuade those people.

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Not me. I've tried that and get nothing but anger back from them. They tell me how stupid I am. So fuck em. I'm done.

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I have one of those now, who recently got out of the hospital with COVID after a six week stay. He swears up and down that he is going to get the vaccine when he can. Will he? I don't know, but if he doesn't then I'm with you.

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Yep. A Tater Tot was born, wif its wee brain on 'ludes. :/

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He was named appropriately. Dis here aur lil Tater.

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I mean, sweet Jesus I met a guy who thought he was the son of Chuck Norris...

Well that's just nuts. I am the son of Chuck Norris as is proven by the fact that I walk down the street randomly kicking people in the teeth.

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We skipped the paternity test on you because your roundhouse kick was inadequate.

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If the Confederacy had won, slavery would not have been outlawed there until 1980.

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