Walker understands it just fine. The rest of the world is too busy watching the Kardashians.

All the press will be party line baybeeeeez!!!!!! bullshit. You aren't likely to see any hard hitting journalism to the contrary.

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Wouldn't Kansas demand a menage a trois?

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What a fucking shitstain. I don't know which is worse, Walker arguing that more information will make women change their minds about abortion because he thinks the gals will buy it, or Scott Walker actually buying that load o' shit.

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I imagine he'll sew up the Women Into Transvaginal Wands vote.

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Aww, the folks over at RedState are having butt hurt about mean liberals poking fun at Walker... (link to RS article via donotlink.com) - http://www.donotlink.com/fboq

Yes, true, it's sort of a bit out of context, because ultrasounds can be cool -- like sex can be cool too WHEN IT'S CONSENSUAL.

But the pure of heart turn right around and do the same treatment to Bernie Sanders on the same front page of stories... http://www.donotlink.com/fbow

An entire article whining about some comment he said about underarm deodorant. OMG -- he's coming to take our deodorant away. But hey, at least Sanders doesn't want a law mandating that said deodorant is to be shoved up anyone's orifice.

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patriarchy is so hipster vintage

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I wonder Walker even knows what a transvaginal ultrasound IS. He talks about it as if it were a new "toy" at Frenchy's Adult Emporium or something.

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Where is the ultrascan that makes a douche bag hell bent on the destruction of society have second thoughts about his actions?

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The last thing to be said about ultrasounds, particularly trans-vaginal ultrasounds is that they are "cool." Having a total stranger probe your vagina with no reason to do so is at the very least, intrusive and demeaning. Even if there is a medical reason, they are not pleasant, any more than a pelvic exam is pleasant. We are willing to have Pap smears and all manner of indignities done, IF they are medically advisable. THIS is not. Thinking that they are "cool" is just stupid, much like Scott Walker seems to be about a lot of things. Unless he is willing to have his wife or daughters, if he has any, go through the procedure, for NO reason, he should shut up his mouth. What a moron!!!

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There should be a 7-day waiting period before any appendectomy, dammit!

I'm glad the GOP is so against having politicians micromanage medical care.

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Are you so sure you want to do this, Governor Walker? My son's ultrasound made him look like a terrifying skull-alien.

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To conserve money, I'm fine if they instead use that reflex-testing mallet on his head, for medical purposes.

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I wonder who's supposed to be paying for all these medically unnecessary ultrasounds.

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It's too bad women can't store guns in their uteri.

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Is Grupy Vag a recognized medical condition?

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You know what I think is Totally Cool? Shoving a wand (what's up with that BTW) so far up his nether regions that it disappears altogether - Twice.

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