Trouble is anarcho capitalist freedumz wads love to hear about government shutting down.

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Puerto Rico. Most of them don't even have electricity.

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Trump / Ryan want to starve out the " gubermint " , so they have an excuse to " tighten our ( Poor ,elderly ,ill ,workers ) belts ".

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Ever since Grenada, I've said we should invade McDonalds. Rich--practically non-existent defense budget. And we'd have the moral high ground sewn-up.

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My kids love C & H

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Watch and see how far they kick the can this time.....it is really getting tiresome

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but they are great at waging war...as long as someone else does the fighting

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It's a brilliant strip. I was bitterly disappointed when he retired. I guess he wanted to go out on top and not end up like so many of the strips in the paper today - well past their Best-By date - but it was so good that surely he had a few good years left.

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And they can get the Democrats to pay for it afterwards.

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Almost enough for one of those premium $12 health insurance plans!

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someone has to pay the tab

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But why is it always the ones who don't get invited to the party in the first place?

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Trump admitted that what we need to unify the country is a disaster. I guess he is going to get his wish about a disaster, but unity? not so much.

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And the paying.

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Kindergarten conservatism.

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my invite started out "Greetings"

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