I'm kind of freaked out that there ever was a KKK event at Gettysburg to be cancelled.

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Bring your own boat -- commercial rafting trips are all canceled. And if you get in trouble, help will not arrive until some time after the House teatards decide to stop being assholes. (Actually, they won't ever stop being assholes, but you get the idea: bring plenty of food and water.)

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Can't we reserve that particular "flying tour" for House Republicans?

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Realty: Kids with cancer, taken hostage by the House teatards.

Faux News coverage: Obama is keeping these poor kids with cancer from getting life-saving treatment, by refusing to "negotiate".

Is our voters leaning? I think they are.

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No media coverage (that matters), no harm done. Plus, it provides a good opportunity for the FBI to photograph license plates.

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They have some issues that they will address.

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UA Flight 93 might well have been intended for the Capitol ... you do have to wonder.

What bothered me most was the black-and-white situations he created, so that his patriotic heroes could show their superior intellect and courage. Not much connection to the real world of Iraq, Cheney, and Dumbya.

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Bruce Willis did that in a movie . . . but it was a movie. News footage, I think, might turn out differently.

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This is the new, kinder Klan. They wanted to celebrate their white heritage by picking their own apples and baking a really big pie, and bitching about how you can't find good lard for the crust anymore because of the JeWs. Also why the Jamaicans get all the good apple picking jobs.

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"a scissors" -- a phrase I've only heard in Brooklyn. You're from ....?

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To be fair, they do some <a href="http:\/\/media.liveauctiongroup.net\/i\/8349\/9738861_2.jpg\?v=8CD0771ED14CC10" target="_blank">nice work. </a>

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It’s not easy being a bigot.

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