Page views is all that counts more for us less for them. It does feel good once in awhile though. If want to see comments you can go to your own profile click on the troll picture in last 5 visited he/she loves to peek and roll through it's comments. See no page views.

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kevinstowell and spanky both. If you visit them it keeps them clicking. Eventually they will learn much by breathing in the sweet perfume of our superior intelligence.

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Democrats' problem is that they're half-way decent people who don't want to see others suffer because of a political temper tantrum. So they see that a shutdown would mean Grandma doesn't get her check, or that private in Afghanistan can't pay his wife's bills back home, and they cave. And they see a shutdown hurting what is already a precarious economic recovery. Of course, in caving, they agree to cut stuff that will mean that other people suffer and might negatively impact the recovery anyway, but that is the cyclone of fuckedupedness in which we find ourselves these days.

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He's only a fashist soshalist when he actually does things; this week's meme is that he's "ineffective", which seems right on the ball to me.

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Koch bros definitely picked the right time to "find" those 7000 "votes". Haven't heard one word this whole time.

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Sorry, but it's early in the morning here; what exactly IS step one?

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^Actual quote, folks.^

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I was pretty sure "masturbate and fantasize while waiting for someone ELSE to make the first move" would be in there somewhere. If it weren't for "lone nuts", nothing would get done on the reich side.

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Hell, the Romans went down w/ more style than this. More fun, also too.

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That only worked 15 years ago because the press went along with it. Today we live in an era where Pat Buchanan and George Will are considered by them to be reasonable people.

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That's the silver lining keeping me from blowing my brains out and/or learning to speak French.

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and they won it by threatening cuts to basic basic women's services for poor people.

good thing they know what button to push next time

fuck the baggers. seriously fuck them.

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Dear Mr. President,

No matter how moderate or conservative your starting position is, the press and GOP are going say you need to compromise more. Therefore, a better tactic might be not give in to any of their crazy demands BEFORE sitting down at the table.

Haven't you ever bought a used car before? Geez.

Sincerely, B.M. World

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<i>Now you know how it is to be a Black Democrat. </i> Now they feel like they're the president?

Well, at least the knowledge that there's a bunch of pissed off rightwingers brings a smile to my face, even if I'm a little pissed off too.

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Hmmmm... I beginning to sense that Ken might not like this Kenyan usurper fellow anymore. Something about murals and weakness or something? I don't know, I haven't really been paying attention.

Anyway, glad this is over! Now we can look forward to the debt ceiling and the 2012 budget battles! Hooray!

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