"...especially if Ted Cruz decides the government must shut down unless the January 6 investigation is defunded."

Two things:1) I really, really hope Ted Cruz doesn't read Wonkette, andb) Why is Ted Cruz?

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b) because Canada won't take him back

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He'll be calling for higher taxes on the rich before long.

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Because I have not yet manifested the ability to make people asplode with the power of my mind, not that I haven’t tried.

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They'll fill it, hoping it will be your Final Order...

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After the first ten trillion it starts to get kinda rubbery

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Here we go again. Ta, Dok.

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It will never be Elmer Season in the Whitehouse.

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Sincerely hope no dancing was involved.

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Elmer has already been indicted.

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No, children at 7-8 don't fully understand the politics/economic of segregation/slavery/white supremacy nor be able to write a research paper about it.


My child is 8 and he damn knows well what bullying looks like and it can certainly be addressed though that avenue -- also children have a very strong sense of "fair/unfair" treatment.

(P.S crying/empathy is a fully reasonable reaction especially when a child sees a fellow child in a bad situation -- unless you make it fucking weird or when of those "boys can't be emotional" fuckwads. He is fucking 8.)

(P.P.S "doesn't show the progress being made" -- author should include picture of George Floyd's body)

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"...because there's little political penalty for lying like that." *snorts* Political penalty? What's that? Sounds made up.

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Being deemed essential and working without a paycheck sucks by the way.

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Good point! I am familiar with the work compression this causes in the Federal sector, but I didn't follow the logic all the way through to see how it also affected grant recipients and contractors. So Congress is screwing everyone, not just the Feds. I feel a little less lonely today.

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There is never any problem getting the defense industry funded, neither party dares to make a fuss because of the "enemy of America" crap that gets flung their way if they do. What we spend on "defense" is obscene, unnecessary and dangerous and it needs to be fixed, but it won't be.Veteran, USN 1978-2008

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He sounds sane

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