Heart tissue will beat in a petri dish.

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Hey, chris, why didn't you stop tripping over your own tongue and outright ask this asshole what he would do if his daughter or granddaughter or niece or great niece was raped and got pregnant? Because it doesn't happen if it doesn't happen to a conservative.

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writ of mandamus ?

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It's the flip side of "I got mine".

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The legal body has a way of shutting that whole thing down, rape kits sit on a shelf for 3 years, no action is taken.

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Thank you for this idea!

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Yep. It was slightly different -- it was about Dukakis being against the death penalty. I watched this debate in the MA state campaign office, and an anguished sigh escaped everyone there as we realized that we'd probably just lost the election. https://www.chicagotribune....

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Right? Embryo is the conventional term for six weeks of development but the state control of everybody's uterus crowd likes to pretend they're talking about a fetus.

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A fetus/embryo does not have a heartbeat at 6 weeks. That's mostly 'cause it doesn't have a heart (much like Texas Repubs). It is the size of a grain of rice (much like Texas Repubs' brains.)

It does produce electrical impulses. These don't make a noise, but the machines that monitor them do. A machine beep is still not a heartbeat.


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You're assuming Abbot cares about the women in his family. I wouldn't bet on it.

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Only as it would reflect on him and his ambitions.

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The question not asked:

Governor, if you and the state have the ability to prevent all rape, why the fuck haven't you done it before now?

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Remember Rick Perry in a debate, when asked if he minded overseeing so many executions --- he pulled himself up in a phony way like Reagan and said "When people come from OUT OF STATE and commit murders in Texas, then we have a right to execute them blah blah" I swear to God that's what he said. People from out of state was apparently a way of saying "people from Africa."

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Or "moderate"

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Ummm....is it just me or is Abutt kind of mixed up about the linear nature of time?

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