(And bring your butterfly nets).

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No defensible space? Shouldn't these gun nuts have at least a 100-yard clear perimeter all around their houses, with line-of-sight from at least two sandbag emplacements on the roof?

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Operation Gunrunner, Operation Wide Receiver ... they've been doing it for years. But now that the President is near, it's all scandalous and an assault on wingnut freedumbs -- and a great excuse for numbnutz congresscritters to waste time rather than doing anything with even a remote chance of improving the economy before November.

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To understand the nonsense coming from the right over this, watch <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2012\/06\/21\/rachel-maddow-explains-what-the-hell-fast-and-furious-is-all-about\/" target="_blank">Rachel Maddow</a>

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These fires are clearly an Obama plot to eliminate the 2nd amendment. Impeach!

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Seems they're very downfisty over at Ghost of Breitbart.

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If everyone was armed they could just shoot the fire out.

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That was back when people in Utah could spell. Nowadays, they look at the rocks your uncle Sid laid out in 1968, and figure God must have put 'em there 6,000 years ago.

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Let these assholes protect their homes from the fire -- with their guns.

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A well-self-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to burn the fucking State to the ground, shall not be infringed.

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Welcome to Utah ...where <i>everything</i> is way off to the right.

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<i>They are also out of Kool-Aid.</i>

Decision time Utah. Do you want water for fighting fire or are you going to limit the use of water so you can continue to make the tasty Kool-Aid beverage. Remember Utah that we folks out in the other states are paying for your freedom, firefighting resources and your new low interest FEMA loans because you can building in a forest and not create any defensible space around your home.

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"Project Fast and Furious" targeted slimeball gun runners trafficing weapons to Mexican narco-lords. Now some Utah resident, with a straight face, complains that this is a restriction on his rights? I think the ATF needs to pay a visit to this particular resident. (Wear your vests, guys.)

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Well, of course -- I mean, if he says nuttin', what's he hiding, amiright?

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