are the people in these cities too dumb to rise up and fight for their rights and their cities.they don't vote, so they get screwed by the republicans and the wealthy. reap what you sow

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This should make it easier to set up Galt Island.

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Kudos for the Jackson Ward shoutout.

However, it's really not a feel-good story. Richmond's successful African-American community came up in the "separate but equal" framework of the first half of the 20th century. Whities were so butthurt by the idea of desegregation that they massively resisted, moved out of the city, and built a fucking highway right through the neighborhood.

What really upsets me about it all is that the very people who were instrumental in these oppressive movements are still playing golf at the Country Club of Virginia, waiting for the South to rise again.

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I don't think these motherfuckers quite understood what the guarantee of a republican form of government meant. Fuck them all with a large scythe. Of metal. OK, metal votes.

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Belle Isle, perhaps.

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Seems kind of Hitleresc, Hitler-like, Hitleristic, Hitleroni, ah, I give up.

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Monument Ave is a funny thing. Six statues, and only one of them is of a winner.

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They have to pick one-quarter of it and induce people to move to it from the rest. There's way too much crumbling infrastructure to be dealt with now.

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But so was Lily Tomlin.

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Tim Hortons donuts suck. They are now made in factories and shipped in.

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Mittavius W. Romulus? Trusty McMoneybags? Mittington Romneybucks? Willard?

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Republican = Not Democratic.

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