Weren't any of these chicks punks?

It's one of those things that kills me when I see a picture of Callista Gingrich and her bad 1962 hair-helmet and makeup - since she was in the proper generational demographic, didn't she ever see an R.E.M. show?

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raises hand.

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[...]support my theory wild-ass-guess, the available facts probably contradict my theory wild-ass-guess, but [...]FIFY -- no idea Trump has deserves the cachet of the word "theory."

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Speaking as an OWM... WTF? Clearly that demographic has lost their minds.

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lo and behold: bill kristol was on MSNBC last night.

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I hate to admit this, but there is one Goya product I can't get by without during this pandemic. No, wait, that's Ganja. Never mind.

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I am completely ignoring any and all polling information, assuming drumpf is going to win, and going from there.


1. Trying to get everyone I know to vote BLUE!2. Contacting the Embassy in Norway to arrange my exfil.

Pray for all of us!

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But you could turn and whack it a good one, right?

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"...when he's not posing with canned beans." I'd laugh if this weren't so awful and Anderson wasn't so obviously and rightfully furious.

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I live in WA, and there are huge regions you can drive through and see nothing but Trump signs. Trump should probably conclude that WA is going to be competitive for him this year, and spend a whole bunch of campaign money there.

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If another stimulus bill happens he'll get more support. And if he starts toeing the COVID science line and a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel begins. That's not a reason not to do it of course and he'll probably keep shooting himself in the foot on any number of other things.

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Good one!

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Probably why everything tastes like it.

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Florida is ball game for Trump. If Biden can do a 2012 Obama in Florida (50.1%), cue the Fat Lady. If it”s 2000 again, all hell will break loose because I can’t see Trump losing by 537 votes as Gore did. Officially anyway.

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