I'll betcha $10,000!

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As long as it's salt or pepper- and go easy on that exotic vanilla, there!

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Damn you.

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I could do it, as long one of the other wives got assigned the dealing with him when he can't find his fucking reading glasses.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=jJP31ZiUgeM" target="_blank">Fantastic Mr Fox!</a>

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Thank you. Thanks to that link, I now know what organzola is.

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If forced together, would they annihilate?

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Innuendo; the Italien word for suppository?

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President Bush, in his cute little flight suit, across the deck of the USS Lincoln.

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Mittens once had an awkward moment to see if it felt like all of the other awkward moments in his life.

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I get the feeling Mitt would be better as President of Mexico than of the United States.

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"Why, that's bigamy!"

"Well, that's big of me, too"

~ Grouch Marx

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"Romney prefers to eat only the tops of muffins..."

I just can't trust a man who takes his life lessons from old episodes of Seinfeld.

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Reminds me of a character from Discworld. His nickname was mayonnaise because he was rich, oily, and thick.

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"the logic here being that during cooking the butter and unhealthful lipids have melted down into the base "

If this is his logic, and he's elected president, we might as well shut down the big American science thing. "Will the last scientist turn off the light as he locks the door?"

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"Romney prefers to eat only the tops of muffins"

At the alternative school where I taught many of the young ladies had difficulty reconciling the love of beer, the love of tight jeans, and the love of midriff shirts. We had more muffin tops than Dunkin' Doughnuts at 5AM.

However, given the randiness, and in some cases sexual predation of the boys, I can only imagine what happened to the muffin bottoms.

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