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Bless his heart.

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A <i>backpfeifengesicht</i>, say the Germans, who have a word for it (naturally.)

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I was thinking Howie Mandel and Michael Symon, but yours works too.

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Where was <a href="http:\/\/www.nbc.com\/saturday-night-live\/video\/snl-digital-short-andy-punches\/n12168\/" target="_blank">Andy Samberg</a> when the world needed him?

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Christ, what an asshole.

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When did Blofeld lose the monocle?

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#1: Who the fuck is China?

Edit: I'm in a sweary mood this afternoon, someone must have pissed in my gargleblaster...

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Are you saying we should check he's not plagiarizing Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Greenbridge, Essex?

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Kumar, is dat you?

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for a haircut...

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Heston_Blumenthal#Restaurant_awards" target="_blank">Ahem</a>.

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<blockquote>“if someone takes me to, say, a grim little Japanese place for lunch, instead of a prestigious destination, I drop them.</blockquote>

What, not even a "so long and thanks for all the fish"?

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I call mine "The Golden Avenger."

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Apropos of not much, but does our Wonkette have any control over the ads pushed by Taboola? I don't see an AdChoices icon in them, and am happy with the assumption that if I found out the 5 Things [I] Don't Know About China, I'd soon be yearning for the good old times when I didn't know them. Also, the relentless stream of objectifying ads from in particular Rant Sports is kind of draining, the tail is definitely starting to WAG the dog.

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"Going to the right restaurants is at least as important as going to the right schools."

Because there's nothing quite like having "Regular table at <i>Per Se</i> " on one's resume. That has "superb education" written all over it.

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