right? i was (drunkenly) screaming this on wonkette and twitter last night. i HOPED there would be something - anything - this AM.

not a peep.

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And who is paying him? Who is covering his travel expenses?

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and trump's corruption message is exactly putin's

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Yeah, sounds impeachable.

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That said, a few generations if Commie rule have made Russians _much_ more susceptible to gaslighting.

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Adam Schiff got contacted by somebody thought to be a Russian and he was willing to get on a plane, apparently, and go find the documents.In a right and proper world, one with reason and critical thinking, where the truth is always on the table, the TV personality/reporter interviewing Lindsey would say "Hold on, cowboy, that's a blatant lie! Show me where Adam Schiff was willing to get on a plane to find the documents. Go ahead, we'll wait for that before we go any further on this interview."

But no.

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even when Rudy was a lawyer and then mayor he was most likely corrupt. he never cares about being a "crime fighter".

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I like how republicans are now saying you can't believe anything a russian or ukrainian says about trump but you can believe what a russian or ukrainian says about Biden.

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Linseed has decided he's the point man for phony GOP investigations to smear the nominee for the D's, whoever it is. The GOP lost the house and with it went the chance to "Benghazi" the D's in the next election. This is an attempt by the GOP to use Linseed and the Senate committee to invent some smear campaign to use. The DOJ knows there is no evidence anywhere they can use to file charges against anyone except their own people. The DOJ plan is mainly to stop any new bombshells that can be used against the GOP from being uncovered. The job for "The mouth of the South" Graham is to try to keep the smear campaign going in the media without an actual investigation.

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It makes total sense for a Senator in the Senate to be balls-deep in DOJ criminal investigations In a third-rate fascist banana republic.

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He wasn't even unqualified. His field was corporate governance. When Burisma contracted with his law firm, that's what he worked on as a contractor, before they hired him directly to oversee corporate governance best practices.

It drives me nuts to see the GOPers screeching that he didn't know anything about oil and gas exploration and couldn't speak Ukrainian, as if they hired him to dig wells or do customer support calls.

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Thanks. Useful.

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This is my hope.

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Only 20 years? Reagan was the first one to blow out the budget during a time of relative peace. That's 40 years.

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I hate Mayella Graham with the white-hot fire of a thousand suns.

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Worst part is we don't even get any damn bananas.

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