Fresh? On the Half-Shell?

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It's just a tiny three-seater, so we'd all have to stack on each other.

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You seem just a tad defensive. And Jim didn't call Graham a "Miss," he called him "Lady G..." sorta like a Term of Bullshit Royalty.

Like I said, in context, "I don't think it implies that. I think it implies that he's a Self-Loathing Closeted Gay Man who constantly Votes against Gay Issues." That was my point.

I think that's valid. You don't have to. And I'm not Shaming or shitting "on his sexuality," I'm shitting on him being an asshole Hypocrite. That seemed clear to me, since that's what I said..

Actually I don't know what a "notcommenters" is... And I'm not interested in searching through Wonkette to see your comments. I am, like I already said, curious why people hide their Comments. Take it as you will.

So, as for hiding your Comments: No disappointments here - Knock yourself out...

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A crazy Republican freak to boot.

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The Senate is an outdated idea that needs to change. No way South Dakota should have equal power to California. And Puerto Rico or DC have no voice at all. It denies the citizens an equal voice. Hills don't vote.

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He only needs his followers to stay in office.

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It's worse. He's a conservative.

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Tan suits and turtle facesA poke a Mitch’s face And man o man!

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Shitweasel libelz

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There are better things you can do with your thinking power and time, I'm sure



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Death threats?

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I'm really pissed at him I came out when I was 16 and I attack him as a liar...not as a woman.

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I struggle with it every time, but I need a new idea that similarly conveys his closetedness. Also no “e” on Graham, while we’re picking nits.

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In other words, what Lindsey Graham is saying is: 'you do it our way 110% or take the highway.' Rs will not & do not compromise. Worse, even if President Biden & the Ds were to agree to their demands, the Rs would still turn around & vote no anyhow when the bill comes up for a vote.

Rs did this during Obama's presidency. The first time was after watering down the stimulus bill many Rs either voted no or (IIRC) did not vote at all. Never mind the economy was on a downward trajectory about to spin out of control.

Rs did likewise with the ACA. After getting their poison pill amendments added to the bill, every single R voted no. Nevermind the fact that the insurance mandate was a Heritage Institute creation & the bill itself was modeled in a similar fashion to Mitt Romney's healthcare plan when he was a governor.

President Biden & the Ds learned the hard way not to trust Rs today, even tho they still make overtures to the GOP. So they are unlikely to make that same mistake again. After all

they passed the stimulus/relief bills without 1 single R.

However, it is deeply disturbing & alarming that Manchin does not seem to recognize the fact that state R legislators are not just suppressing vote with their new laws, they are changing the actual voting system to make it easier for them (the politicians) to overturn any outcome they do not like. In other words they are usurping the powers that belong to local election officials & the Scty of State.

Unless Manchin & Sinema come around, the R goal of a permanent 1-party majority may come to pass marking the end of our Constitution, our democracy & the rule of law.

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Don’t do that.

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Could we maybe not use a feminine form of address to mock Grahame? It really comes to close to “girly means weak” for my tastes

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