Two seconds to decide this is the day to kill a kid playing in the park. He spent longer than that deciding how to fold his toilet paper. The standard for the capital crime of disrespecting an officer gets lower and lower.

Snark fails me.

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True. If the prosecutor brings down a bad cop, all the good cops who regularly cover for all the bad cops will close ranks, out of sheer goodness.

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Why drive so close that they have no time to evaluate the situation, assuming that "evaluate the situation" means more than "young black kid."

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Tim Loehmann, the officer who shot Tamir Rice, had trouble securing employment in policing due to poor exam results, [1]and had trouble retaining employment in policing due to poor performance and personal issues. [2]

[1] http://www.cleveland.com/me...[2] http://www.cleveland.com/me...

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People keep going on about orange tips and that the cops didn't know about the possibility that this was a kid with a toy, etc. All of that is beside the point. The point is that there was not one single thing that Tamir Rice could have done differently to change the outcome once the police arrived. He wasn't given the opportunity. He wasn't even holding a gun when he was shot! Nothing he did would have made the slightest difference.

This is all because of the way the police responded. They inserted themselves, going against all training, into the middle of a supposed threat and then claimed that because they suddenly felt threatened, it completely justified and necessitated the use of instantaneous lethal force on a little boy. It's hard to fathom that this kind of circular b.s. thinking is actually being used effectively within our criminal justice system to allow these murderers to walk free.

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Wanga, at the very least, the dispatcher should be fired for failing to dispatch full information. My hubby is a 30 year gun-owning paramedic who works closely with police, and after viewing the appalling video, he was astounded at the IDIOCY of pulling up right next to a presumed threat and immediately shooting to kill. No excuses work here. None. Especially not "putting yourself in the cop's shoes." If this is the extent of their training and/or intelligence the town would be better off without police! Bunch of tuff guy killer wussies who think they're in an action movie? NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR THIS MURDER!!! Sorry for the shouting.

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Thanks for spelling that out. I can be so dense (or naive? gullible?) sometimes...didn't occur to me that a legit effort by the prosecutor could have that kind of fallout with the cops. Derp.

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That defense only works if the shooter is armed with very pale skin.

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Well, you have to win the lottery jury-wise to get selected and seated for such a case. Most of us will never get the opportunity. In 50+ years as a legal adult I have only been seated on a jury once where I actually heard testimony, and that was for a civil case that was settled out of court very quickly after that start of the proceeding. Over the years I have only met a couple of people who had ever been empaneled for any kind of criminal trial or grand jury.

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It seems pretty simple to get someone killed these days, just call the cops on them. Personally I wouldn't call the cops for anything, because they're not leaving until something or someone is shot.

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Huh. I honestly had no idea it was that unusual! It was the first time I was called for jury duty ever. I also figured (because urban myth said so) that I would get tossed right off because I have a PhD. But that didn't happen. I'll...well, cherish isn't the right word...I'll *value* the experience all the more.

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Well and I've read a bit more and revised my opinion. Slate had a great piece about accepting more risk by officers. In addition, look at the guy hanging out at the pavilion behind Tamir. He (or she) isn't the least bit concerned about Tamir.

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Black and brown children don't need to have a gun, toy or real, for law enforcement to fear for their lives and murder them simply because black and brown.

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Made it through less than two minutes of that. Enough.

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It's easy to find ignorant people. They outnumber those of us with brains.

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