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Another blog said there should be a law that requires either a State Attorney or a DA from a different jurisdiction handle officer-involved crimes to avoid exactly this sort of conflict-of-interest. Because the DA isn't going to go hard at the cops who they also need to make their usual slew of cases, while a state attorney may be like "IDGAF".

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Here's the thing - most grand juries get through a couple dozen indictments <em>per day</em> because all they're after is "probable cause". But in these cases, the DA puts on hours upon hours of testimony and reams of evidence as if this was the actual trial.

Perhaps reform of the process of grand juries needs to be made to unify the way ALL cases are taken up.

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He had access to a sidewalk.

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They can get you there without knocking.

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That's Rep. Peter King (R-IRA) to you.

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And black men selling single cigarettes.

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#Wehearyou #Unlessyouarebeingchokedout #Thenallbetsareoff

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Yeah, the prosecutor should absolutely not be in the local law enforcement chain of custody: isn't this what state and federal Attorneys are FOR?

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These brain dead faux show trials in front of grand juries upset, confuse, and enrage me. Here in the great state of alert- er, Texas- we primarily use grand juries to haul asshole politicians up in front of their enemies, because our rules say once you've got one empaneled, you can ask the fucker on the stand WHATEVER YOU WANT. That's not to say they're not an excellent way to get murderers off the hook for murdering someone that the state doesn't care about, but jeez. I guess what I'm saying is, if I bring my own gas mask and some empty liquor bottles, can I get a discount on the gas? I'm a student.

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I'm guessing pumpernickel.

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not suitable for work (usually involves pictures/videos)

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He was reaching for some air and breathing like a demon.

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I can't. even. I have no words.

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