I don't know why McCarthy would object to being called a pussy. Isn't his Lord and Savior a pussy-grabbing bitch? He can look forward to big hugs from Big Daddy.

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McCarthy and trump want to be the ones grabbing, not the one grabbed. Big difference.

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Or at least big grabs.

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"We refer not to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s sharing barely censored stolen private photos of Hunter Biden getting a consensual blowie in the House Oversight Committee "

I am genuinely and un sarcastically shocked that that little stunt didn't have a lot more long lasting traction in the media. It disappeared from the news cycle as quickly as it appeared. I mean in my opinion that was a huge deal. The kind of deal killer that should have her kicked off Her assignments and censored even buy her own party.

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I give up.

Wonkette doesn't want me any more.

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I give.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023


What's with the new commenting structure?

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I'm baconz. How do I do this?

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You're doing it fine, Baconz. Are you not seeing your notcomments?

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You are totes doing it.

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(chef's kiss) Dok, that post was a sublime masterpiece. Bravo.

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"“You. Are. A. Pussy,” Swalwell told McCarthy."

We can have nice things.

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Next time he should say: "Hey, Kev, you think if you act tough Marge will pull your balls out of the jar she keeps them in and let you play with them for a few minutes?"

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Every once in a while.

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Swalwell calls 'em as he sees 'em. He almost makes up for McCarthy being from CA and sent to Congress by misguided voters.

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Maybe Kevin could ask his caucus to vote the incident out of existence.

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Swalwell: 1

McCarthy: -1

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Gasp! Why I nevah! Such ungentlemanly behaviah!. And it's about damn time!

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He so is a pussy.

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He got off easy. If I were Swalwell, I’d have called him out for running to MarA Lago to kiss Trump’s ass, then dragged his ass for the 15 rounds of votes to get his job, THEN reminded him that Joe Biden bested his ass during the debt ceiling negotiations and in the end would have told him Marjorie Greene and Lauren Boebert and Kitara Rivache had his dock in a vise- and I would have done it loudly, with colorful swear words in front of as many Washington press people as possible. Again, I’m way too tic-tic-boom to be in politics.

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Calling McCarthy a sad, weak man is just recitation of facts. The only thing that he's ever done is look like he's just snorted a seven foot long rail of fresh horseradish in every photo that he's been in.

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McCarthy is the member of a recently-discovered mammalian species, Republicanus Trumpasslickus, characterized by absence of a spinal column and a prefrontal cortex the size of a raisin.

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"we should add that at no point did he hold up a lewd photo of a presidential offspring receiving consensual oral pleasure upon his reportedly enormous hog"

A most mellifluous euphoniousness.

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It’s always weird how Rs can be all “Joe and Hillary murder children and eat their entrails while Barack Hussein Obama pilots the Jewish Space Lasers to kill Real Americans” but if a D calls them out they’re all WHY SUCH A LACK OF DECORUM

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Your nom de guerre is top drawer. Joel and the bots would be proud.

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