No, the city sewage system backed up above any toilet rims not higher than about 6 feet above ground

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was that from the storm surge?

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I have just had breakfast. Thanks for that.

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vouchers from the Department of Education?

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did they learn from the charter school operators or...?

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you misspelled CREATURES

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Slavery is a mere department in the prison business.

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As a science lover, and in you I seem to recognize another, I agree. The House Committee on In-American Activities, back in the 1950s, was conspicuously hostile to science and scientists. Damned revolutionary eggheads that they be. Some ding-a-ling on some loyalty review board grilled Dr. Edward Condon, physicist, taking a suspicious view of his work in quantum physics, because if he participated in a scientific revolution he might be ripe for a political one. Condon promptly asserted that on the contrary, he was a conservative. He subscribed to Archimedes' Principle, Kepler's laws of planetary motion, and Newton's laws.The inquisitor was not amused. No surprise. Jokers like that tend to lack humour, especially when it sends them up.And there's no shortage now of whackos on YouTube who assert that the Earth is flat, there is no such thing as gravity, Tesla was right about everything while Einstein was a shill (if they've specified for whom, I missed it) and the Illuminati, or someone, have repressed the secret of unlimited zero-point energy.From whackos on YouTube it might be bearable. From powerful people high in the government, it's not quite so risible. Not in connection with climate change, the environment, the coal industry, and medicine. Oh. And race.I'm waiting for the phlogiston theory of combustion to make a comeback.You heard it from me first.

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"The treadmill and the Poor Law, are they in full vigour?"

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Teacher proceeds to inform their aide to keep the last child away from the class' hamster. We want to avoid any tragedy for the other kids

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* all the swear words.

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Yup, luckily the floors where I live and work were high enough that we didn't get sewage, but my son's place did. We still got over a foot inside at work and it's on 5' pilings.

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Owning even one share of stock in a private prison corporation ought to be a golden-ticket straight to hell when one dies.

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gross. if I didn't have JJP, I would be going wherever to help with clean up on the weekends. sorry that I can't

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I'd say vice a versa. The prison system is a department of the slavery business.

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So if I give Donnie $20, can the g/f start a private prison in her basement? For exercise period they can feed the cats or maybe do her yard work. Bonus: nobody would park on her parking pad any more!

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