Straight outta every college campus, high school and entry-level job, actually. We didn't look like "Woodstock". The crowds at Woodstock looked like all the rest of us who were around then. The Woodstock audience was a pretty good representation of the segment of the population aged 14-35 years old in 1969.

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I think the repubs really want this situation ... bra

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Republicans are so convinced that libtards really, really want to put incompetent minorities or women in important positions that they actually do it themselves as a sort of "see told you" kind of retard thing. Because they're convinced all minorities or women are completely incompetent anyway? I mean it isn't hard to NOT hire Herman Cain, Sarah Palin or Ben Carson. Where do they even find these nutjobs?

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Whenever I troll repub sites, I always pretend to be just a bit nuttier than the nuttiest person on the topic at hand, and usually include a giveaway that they never, ever get. Always works. Alternatively, responding to existing comments and taking them a "step" (or six) further also works.

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I know TONS of idiot republican women, so I don't think they're too hard to dig up, but you pretty much have to be a moron to be a black republican which is why I think they're so underrepresented in the GOP.

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... I had a blue velvet leisure suit that I cherished... but in retrospect, I should have eschewed instead. Although, I do miss the polyester shirts printed with copies of Old Master paintings and featuring butterfly collars... I had quite a collection. (yeah, it was the 70's, there were a lot of drugs involved).

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... I wish somebody could help me out here, I mean, if the whole raison d'etre for wreaking havoc on the "muslin middle east" was to secure the oil for Western (capitalist) interests, how can bombing the hell out of the oil fields be anything less than bullshit bluster that Big Energy won't allow? You can't make money from a destroyed resource... although, I suppose you can make money on commodity futures betting, so perhaps that explains why The Dumbald is so eager to decimate supply.

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... welp, there are entirely too many people on the innertubes with no real credentials, talent, or brains but does that stop them? No, it does not. Exhibit A: The Palins. Exhibits B through Z: the innumerable RWNJ websites, conspiracy blogs, Teaparty fundraisers, Beckian V-logs, and ether-disseminated hate-talk radio. Amazing, indeed (and now I need to fire up another bowl).

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Maybe that IS what he's planning - he'll use the commodities exchange to bet that oil will get scarcer, bomb the crap out of oil fields, make a yoooooooooooooooooge profit, and then go all "small government" on the SEC when they try to investigate him for insider trading or its commodities equivalent.

I think you've cracked it - THIS is the REAL Trump policy.

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MSNBC commentator Mike Barnicle’s advice to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is to “fire most of her staff.”http://dailycaller.com/2015...

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Is that is current wife, or the one who kicked him out of the house when she found out he was boning the current wife who was not his wife at the time?

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Oh, dear. This is really something of a conundrum, isn't it? The sons of one of the founders of the fascist John Birch Society are the chief supporters of the guy that Will's wife is working for? Gosh. Conflicts of interest...the staple of pro-Rethuglican pundit swine. (Apologies to Suidae-Americans, in advance)

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If this was the field running for Gauleiter of Franconia, yeah, they might be impressive. But we're not talking about intra-NSDAP elections here.

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I love all the hand wringing from the GOP- nobody can control T-rump, he's a loose cannon. He can't be tamed, can't be corralled, can't be put in his place by anyone. Wait a minute, that's not exactly true. I do remember one person who did- some wussy community organizer- can't remember his name. But he carved T-rump up like a Thanksgiving Turkey in front of the entire press corp and shut his arrogant ass down like there was no tomorrow. All while killing Bin Laden at the same moment, half world away. Funny how all you tough guy republicans squeal like Ned Beatty every time T-rump yanks your chain, but the guy you all claim is some pussy who can't deal with world leaders managed to shut his ass up without breaking a sweat.

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Shit, I can't remember, you know how all these family values guys are...

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And did it with panache, zest, verve AND CLASS!

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