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Only that the GOP doesn't give a flying fuck about these inconvenient things you call "facts".

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Slightly OT, but: <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2012\/11\/15\/barbour-weve-got-to-give-republicans-a-very-serious-proctology-exam\/" target="_blank">Apparently</a> Haley Barbour's decided the GOP's problem was that they didn't have their heads <em>far enough</em> up their asses.

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Sounds like Rubio borrowed a cup of expertise from Paul (The Wonk) Ryan.

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You can't fight the 1%. There's only 99% of us, darn the luck.

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I remain amazed that apparently the wealthy are willing to contribute big bucks to their political parties to reduce taxes, they are willing to pay big bucks to accountants to reduce taxes but God forbid they actually just pay the taxes.

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