I would guess the concept of gifting is a remnant of the upper classes gifting a pittance on to the faithful old retainer. There is a lifetime limit to the recipient or the annual limit that changes upon occasion. Can't have granddad giving away too much of the old pile, but a little something is proper. The limits have changed in the last 50 yrs but the principle is well established in the tax code.

The wealthy or verging on wealthy use this for estate planning and the grifters are just taking advantage of something that was set up by their "Betters" to serve a different purpose.

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Everything that I have read since yesterday backs this up. Frankly, I'm astonished. A waitress who receives $200 in tips has to report every penny of that to the IRS as taxable income, but the $10K that some guy receives from his rich great-aunt is his free and clear, and the IRS doesn't even want to know about it. Weird.

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The things you learn at Wonkette!

I wait in vain for a rich person to gift me with the lifetime maximum. I expect I will continue to wait a really long time for this little tax oddity to be of any use to me.

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Yes I was.

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Wasn't Adolph a German, and a idiot?

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I think his comment will have more in common with the whale.

"Hey, what's this place? Wonkette? Fantastic! What do I say? I hope it's interesting and witty.

What's that under me? They are appearing so fast. I'll call them replies! Yay!

Ooooooo! What's that? It's a big mallot. It looks sweet, I think I'll call it the loving banhammer! Ok!

It's coming up fast. Hello, loving banhammer!"


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That is per hour, BK And very low overhead when you live in your parents basement and drive a 12 volt pony. And say things like "buwhahahahaaaaa".

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She'd also need to be a she. I don't believe it possesses that level of commitment......

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I loved your blowup doll reply. Spot on.

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Why DO all you tiny penis dudes pretend to be blond girls?

There. Now it's two people.

...and yes. Yes, you are very much a fucktard. After all the years your parents spent raising you, feeding you, getting you educated (eh), this is the result. This is your life. Failed internet troll.

How proud they must be.

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He seems the love doll type. Only inflatable women don't go to the cops on him.

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Why not both?

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I personally fall under AOT, K

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Wild Ponies?

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You don't come here very often, do you? In fact, I doubt you know what the word means.

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