Hey Milla!

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And the "press" duly noted that it blew over because the concrete in the footings hadn't yet cured when the wind started whipping. Had it not occurred to anyone that such a structure needs to braced until the concrete cures just on the odd chance that the wind might pick up a little? The Beaufort scale for the (reported) 37 mph wind is "moderate gale" with the effects listed as "trees sway." Could it be that maybe the contractor had not done their due diligence? Or that said due diligence was not done by whomever hired the contractor?

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"Paint balls - Your choice of colors!"

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If they made him into a trash can or an ash tray to flick at as you off then on ramp, he would at least have a little use. In fact, that's his whole schtick, having very little use.

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Given the track record of this maladministration, I'm going with the latter.

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Sadly, lately we haven't been much better. Remember, we got rated as a "failed democracy" a year or two ago.

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It's SC -- more likely the signs are going to end up sporting a lot of bullet holes.

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I think this would work if they just called it "Senator Larry Craig Memorial MEN'S Room" and decorated it dark and woody, with a sports corner and a hunting/fishing corner, and a cigar/whisky corner, and I don't know what other corners because I'm not a guy - but whatever all y'all feel is the most menly of corners would be fine.

The bathrooms would have two toilets per room, with a transparent wall between the stalls and super-large, extra-heavy duty diaper changing station in case Senator Vitter stops by.

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As I recall, that interchange is pretty much a shit show and I don't see any reason for it to change for the better so, apropos?

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You could also go the other way and make it the opposite stereotype -- from the ultra-macho man to the "fabulous" gay man.

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Savannah has the Talmadge Bridge, named after a segregationist racist asshole Governor, Eugene B.

Since the powers that be are balking at renaming, this is the solution so far: just pretend it's been renamed and post signs to that effect, but it hasn't officially had a name change.


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If SC wants to commemorate a racist, TN has this stunning statue of war criminal Nathan Bedford Forrest currently beautifying I-65. Make us an offer! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Here's something for every sign: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I live in Greenville and I'm willing to have the main freeway interchange be named in honor of Trump, with a giant gold sign and all as long as it's the Donald J. Trump Memorial Interchange. I'm not going to ask how exactly Trump will be turned into a memory, but the sooner the better as construction on the interchange is pretty much finished and there's a time limit on the offer.

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Please do not allow him to come here. We're shifting very slowly leftward and do not want to lose momentum.

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They'll manage. God-emperors often have feet of clay, but it rarely seems to matter.

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