It's pretty clear that unless something really unexpected happens or we can unskew the ever-living-fuck out of some polls, Wendy Davis is probably not going to be the next governor of the lone Star State.
Fuck Dr. Strangelove. I and others of the Texas Fire Marshals Association spent 3 hours on Monday with 3 different legislators to introduce a bill to tighten up the regulations on ammonium nitrate storage. I actually had one dipshit tell me that industry knows best. I asked her if she feels this strongly that industry knows best can we just legislate the storage of this chemical in quantities > 1 ton to her town in Texas and see how that turns out. She suddenly had an epiphany and walked out of the meeting.
Wait, so was the word "evildoers" something Greg Abbott said, or was that something the author of the article added? Either way, seriously? We're using evildoers unironically now?
Dog actually <i>plans</i> these things, for our spiritual benefit! You can&#039;t discover your inner faith in the face of adversity if there ain&#039;t no adversity. You can&#039;t be charitable to the victims of disaster if there ain&#039;t no disasters!
People of Tejas: if you want to elect this tool, that is your right, as it is everyone else&#039;s right to avoid visiting the wasteland the state will become.
But please, be good neighbors&mdash;no downstream or downwind leakage, no subsurface plumes beyond your borders. In other words, the civilized world won&#039;t mess w/Texas, but expects the same consideration in return. Enjoy your guns and <a href="https:\/\/\/wiki\/Toluene" target="_blank">toluene</a> *! _______ *One-gallon spill = $1M cleanup.
<em>&ldquo;It doesn&rsquo;t matter who you are or where you are, you are obligated under that law to respond.&rdquo; </em>
I sense that most of these companies would respond with &quot;That&#039;s a trade secret, and now we&#039;re deploying the lawyers to sue you for asking.&quot;
Texas! Where every day is the 4th of July!
He&#039;s on third, and I don&#039;t give a shit!
In egregious cases, various shades of green.
Fuck Dr. Strangelove. I and others of the Texas Fire Marshals Association spent 3 hours on Monday with 3 different legislators to introduce a bill to tighten up the regulations on ammonium nitrate storage. I actually had one dipshit tell me that industry knows best. I asked her if she feels this strongly that industry knows best can we just legislate the storage of this chemical in quantities &gt; 1 ton to her town in Texas and see how that turns out. She suddenly had an epiphany and walked out of the meeting.
Wait, so was the word &quot;evildoers&quot; something Greg Abbott said, or was that something the author of the article added? Either way, seriously? We&#039;re using evildoers unironically now?
If they&#039;re not, I say that it&#039;s never too late to renegotiate the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.
Dog actually <i>plans</i> these things, for our spiritual benefit! You can&#039;t discover your inner faith in the face of adversity if there ain&#039;t no adversity. You can&#039;t be charitable to the victims of disaster if there ain&#039;t no disasters!
You forgot Texas City! How ironic.
Or truthfully.
A dead armadillo in the middle of a forsaken Tejas two-lane is smarter than Rick Perry.
People of Tejas: if you want to elect this tool, that is your right, as it is everyone else&#039;s right to avoid visiting the wasteland the state will become.
But please, be good neighbors&mdash;no downstream or downwind leakage, no subsurface plumes beyond your borders. In other words, the civilized world won&#039;t mess w/Texas, but expects the same consideration in return. Enjoy your guns and <a href="https:\/\/\/wiki\/Toluene" target="_blank">toluene</a> *! _______ *One-gallon spill = $1M cleanup.
And doG help her if she asks about that open-carry piece on your hop.
<em>&ldquo;It doesn&rsquo;t matter who you are or where you are, you are obligated under that law to respond.&rdquo; </em>
I sense that most of these companies would respond with &quot;That&#039;s a trade secret, and now we&#039;re deploying the lawyers to sue you for asking.&quot;
Terrifying photoshop is terrifying.
Or, he might believe in harsh natural selection, wherein those who are dumb enough to live in West, TX, are removed from the gene pool.