With 4 billion monkeys that should be enough poop to make the entire "liberal" media.

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Are you sure it's not Yakov Smirnoff's school. After all, Smirnoff is now a raving MAGAt.

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Special blend in the samovar.


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He's a Russian asset, after all.

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Would he save face if we sent a for real, actual former president of the U.S. and his support group including Tuckie and Sean.

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So Gutfeld hears an explanation of manifest madness and somehow understands it as a recipe...

Putin has rapidly made this into Afghanistan - an endless war against an entire population - and it will only end as that adventure did: with Russia unable to continue.

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Another Russian asset, then.

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I bet he has a shrine, to him in his house.

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I think they are still fapping over them.

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They don't like when others get them, when they get them it is good.

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...why do my McFrys taste like Polonium?

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THIS^^^There is no outcome that Putin can "win". He can't hold Ukraine, and the war losses will be astronomical.

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Da, right now, the world needs a little more russian opera.

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The old vulcan proverb: Only Trump can go to Russia.

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I don't see Putin keeping any level of power after this. I also don't expect to see him in the Hague either. I imagine an aspiring bureaucrat and Vlad are going to act out the final scene in 'Of Mice & Men'. (Vlad is Lenny!)

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