And she has to cook with a wood stove. Oh wait, they probs dont need wood for their stoves in hell. But they might still have to split the wood.

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or he thinks this is the point of the Presidency. I'm still not convinced he doesn't want the jerb just to prove he's, you know, YOOOGE.

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What did we ever do to you?

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To reinforce their seriousness about creating a new culture in a post-Ailes world, the company is expected to offer Carlson a public apology as part of the settlement.

Got ten bucks that says Fox will issue said apology Via WaPo because they know none of their viewers read that.

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That picture should be on WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE posters all over the intertubes.

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Staring and drooling for sure..

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For $20M she can get lower level tix! (My friend's tix are I think $140/game per seat, so $280/game time 41 home games for a total of $11480 plus playoffs. On a good year he can sell half of his playoff tickets and cover not only his playoffs but a lot of the regular season.)

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and she can't find a screw driver to open the damn vacuum and has to use a butter knife or a dime instead. and it's a phillip's head screw.

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Wake me when Gretchen donates half of her settlement to any feminist organization, like NOW, Planned Parenthood, or her local battered women's shelter. Until then, I'll keep my (extremely low) opinion of her exactly as it is.

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a stunning $20 million

The only thing stunning about it is that it's only half of what Roger Ailes got from FOX for quitting the toxic atmosphere he'd created.

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OT: Welp, this switchover crap is going about as well as you predicted.

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I never knew.

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Don't be so *hard* on Roger. He has lived under the Fox building after being stuck due to his obese body, for the past 12 years. He dines on rats and whatever is near him. *Allegedly* Due to lack of sunlight large vats of used motor oil is brought down to lather on his skin. Other then that he is a really nice guy.ps. Roger, why did you not hit on me also too?

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Really? I thought they went with Scroom, Goode, & Hard

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I believe that's the GOP's traditional legal defense, should all this ever go to court.

However, whenever guilty of their usual financial fuck-ups, the "Party of Fiscal Responsibility's" first reaction is usually "COVER-UP"!!!1! So, who knows if we'll ever hear any more about this...except for Repug donors suing all and sundry for financial malfeasance.

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My employer used Survey Monkey for snap opinion surveys like 10 questions about how our programs are managed. Surprisingly, they didn't care for the results. Huh, go figure...

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