Without a doubt.

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Crazy cat lady envy syndrome (CCLE). That cat is so stunning I would go on disability so I could lie around and stare at it all day. PS welcome to snarking, long may you snark, and I was being genuine about your gorgeous baby.

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Hey! welcome to the snark jungle.

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oooh, he looks like a bossy one.

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Kitteh pictures are especially encouraged for Open Thread! But that's not the only time. :-)

Welcome aboard!

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This is Hong Kong Phooey. A total feral from WI which means opera singing and aggression. But I lurve him so mush.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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HKP grew up fearless, too. Ferals are just badasses—super intelligent. I swear my cat recognizes at least a hundred words. We moved to TX in 2016 and the outdoors thing just got scary—too many fights and disappearances. He has been a housecat since Feb. Not easy keeping him stimulated.

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Any Republican would degrade the mission of the EPA. That is a given. Maybe Pruitt is more zealous.

The abuse of power and waste of tax payer dollars is what sets him apart.

On the other hand, Department of Interior officials, during Bush, Jr's administraiton, were having cocaine fueled parties with lobbyist and it barely registered in the news cycle, because of all the other shit going on.

In other words, Republican strategy is to be so damn incompetent, brazen corruption gets ignored, because there are much worse things they are doing.

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We have the kids thing in common, and the Texas thing too. My 2 big Texas boycats total 40 pounds.

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I considered googling "gay hobbi fanfiction" but then thought better of it.

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I find it a more likely scenario that there is someone currently looking over Deason's figurative shoulder so committing conflict of interest could get him in trouble with someone who has clout. Also, he could have heard from other companies that it costs more than expected to hire Ms. Pruitt, like she steals all the paperclips or something. Fun fact: I once worked for a company that often hired contractors (through temp agencies) and hired one to do some, I dunno, filing or something for the accounting department. That contractor was hauled away and charged with embezzling. I was never quite sure about this - it seemed at least as likely that the head of the department saw an opportunity to make some easy money and frame someone else for it.

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Marlyn? Like the fish? Is she a shapeshifter, or maybe an ethics challenged mermaid?

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:( Another reason I stopped at just one. Like losing family but kind of worse.

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Leonard Leo? Eric Erickson? Hugh Hewitt? WTF is up with these names

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The funny thing too is my one friend(black) and I(gay) have discovered some people we knew were fine with us until we brought up issues that people in our communities face everyday.Suffice to say,we both had to cull some people from our friends list after that.IMO, likely the same with some of the Obama to Trump voters as well.We'll support you unless you bring up black/LGBT/Latino etc. issues then all bets are off.

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They're functionally alliterate.

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