Not even God can get rid of the Duggers.

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I just love that one of the correspondent "journalists" was from InTouch. You just can't make this shit up!

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Nothing like having your home owned by the in-laws to put another big fucking chain around your neck, Anna! Take the children and run . . . you can rely on us liebruls to finance the shit out of your GoFundMe site!

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They put the ug in Duggar. Where the Dgar comes from is anybody's guess.

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And they will always be begging.

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You can be damned sure she gets no internet access.

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WTF did Noah take two of those?

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"Success" at Camp Nodiddle is defined as staying out out sight until the press gets bored. Josh will slink back in another month or so. So far, wifey's brainwashing seems to be holding her down, so everything will go according to plan. The plan being that Josh won't even be able to take a shit without JimBob knowing about it. In advance.

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Bribes are for conservatives, who know the price of everything.

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"Run away" is without question the best advice this girl has ever received. Unfortunately, you and I both know she won't.

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They can't help inside. They may diddle the other children. They're taught that that's all they think about. So that's all they think about.

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A God impersonator, a clown car, a child molester, 2 young thieves , 2 young good looking people who look disgusting on the inside, and a house full of slaves.. that is pretty scary.

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Ignorance is bliss. Until you grow up and have children... then it's like Oh. My. Fucking. God. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On:

"The Duggars Seem So Nice Until You Meet Their Terrifying Political Agenda -

They push their crackpot anti-science beliefs behind the scenes in Washington too."http://observer.com/2014/12...

Just think of the 'Tea Party' as 'The Duggars' and eventually we'll all figure out why this is very. very bad.

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"Duggar Nuggets"

McDuggets, "We put Chick-fil-A- to Shame"

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See, the thing about the Duggar's Quiverfull Hotel is: "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."

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