You're on a roll with that this week.

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Santorum's erogenous zones in general? Associating Santorum santorum with a tasty candy treat has put a damper on my near-term affection for the Reese's.

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ahhh dan savage. we the people of america owe you a lot.

a lot of it is 'ick', but still! a lot.

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Peach? I could have sworn the only flavor possible was <i>Burpy Buttsex Bisque</i>

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This will be popular in Kentucky

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I need to write song (a la Johnny Cash) called A Boy Named Santorum.

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What's the antidote for the antidote?

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Total Scum Jam! Getcher Total Scum here! The ONLY jam good enough to have my description on it!

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Let's hope he sterilized his jelly sufficiently, or else he might give his supporters botulism, by which I mean AIDS.

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This headline gave me such joy when I saw it at tpm. Just waiting for Savage to update his site. There are so many ripe juicy gelatinous jokes to be made. Lets just keep this thread as a permanent front page link. Until santorum drops out. Of the election, not out of a sphincter, of course.

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No, just a nice, fat cock

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After a santorum sandwich, there's nothing quite like a jelly donut for dessert.

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Savor the picture: Rick Santorum asking Iowans if they want to taste something out of a jar. I imagine polite midwesterners desperately trying to avoid eye contact.

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Gaaaa! Is it just me, or does "Jelly" suddenly sound like some kind of STD.

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