It almost makes me want to believe in the Rapture just to see the looks on their faces when it comes, and they're the ones left behind.

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I don't think loving the Lord was an issue here.

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Gives a whole new meaning to "Why don't we do it in the road?".

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Nixon was forced to resign from office, and the conservatards will not be satisfied until they get their pound of flesh from the other side. Until a Democratic President is removed from office, "Impeach" will be the first and last word out of every conservatard's mouth.

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He deserves all the votey voting votes thrown at him, with an extra helping of votes. And fuck the hypocritical Republican politicians who support him.

There are a lot of things that have made me heartsick over the past year or so, but this bullshit is making me angry, heartsick and physically ill.

I think I should just watch my cat for a while. He is sleeping adorably right now.

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Err, this is Wonkette. If you take everything said here literally you'll just end up confused, man.

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I assume he's not in too much trouble, as he's suing Hastert for the unpaid money.

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lenience for this individual would be to kill him. prison will be worse than death for him. what am i saying, the country club prison he will see, will be nicer than my home.

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Dear Judge:Please burn all the other letters and put this schmuck away, forever, for the crimes of grossness against the state and oh yeah molesting all the boys.Yours truly,Yr Wonkette.

I loved the whole article (except for the repulsive subject matter, of course), but this part alone would qualify it for "comment of the week" status for me.

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The Homosexual Red Sox?

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Above anything else, THAT should be an admission of guilt by itself, right there.

"Well I my job application includes a stirring reference from Tom Delay...."

"Ok officers throw that man behind bars , stat...and check his computer."

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Big ups for using the word "passel". My personal favoritest word for a group of anything.

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And this is why the Catholic Church is infested with paedophiles.

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No one does it better than Perry!

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Seriously. I want to know whose judgement is this awful and every time they speak in support of anything I want a note next to their name saying "tried to get paedophile off".

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Hastert Hastert Hastert!

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