Michele Bachmann?

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shorts is back!

things are going to get interesting...

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if dems were nazis i'd be a hell of lot less worried about november.

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The rich ones prove the exceptionalizimosity of the "Merkin Dream™. The poorz ones are just lazy.

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"his wisdom on tax policy doesn't work in today's market. "

You're implying that it did work once, which seems highly unlikely.

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Hitler is pissed to be cited by Norquist. (what? too soon?)

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I'm sure Hitler got sick at some point, and was saved by national health care, which just goes to show what horrible evils it leads to.

(Pursuant to Poe's Law, I'd not be at all surprised if this argument hasn't appeared on some wingnutty internet forum.)

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Death panels, for starters, I'm sure. They know they'd do it, which is why they're afraid Obama will do it first.

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I bet 1930s Germany had speed limits on their roads, and laws against bank robbery, and maybe a couple of others. Let's get rid of all of ours, because NAZIS!

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I've no idea, but totally OT, it occurs to me that somebody could do a pretty funny "Hitler finds out he owes 30% to Austria" parody clip.

Oh, wait ... we have Norquist's rant. Never mind.

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Republicans: Against taxes except when they are on others.


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Snark off. I watched Grover on Bill Maher a couple of weeks ago. For about 50 minutes, all I heard was his man love for Ronnie Raygun and how our current president has done nothing to solve the deficit. Grover is an old, white, pissed off guy who haz much sadness because his wisdom on tax policy doesn't work in today's market.

If a person becomes a citizen of this nation, they have an obligation to pay for the infrastructure we built, which needs a lot of maintenance. They also have an obligation to support veterans, especially those who have made tremendous sacrifices in wars that some of us don't agree on. I totally support Senator Schumer on this issue.

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