Bless her heart?

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I love this video so much. I just wish it could be updated. Ted Cruz and JEB! seem so long ago.

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I like Chelsea a lot. We're about the same age, so I was always interested in her while Bill was in the White House. I think it's sad that she says that she doesn't remember a time when her parents we're not being attacked (i don't remember a time when her parents weren't being attacked either, really) and I sometimes wonder what kind of effect that has on kids growing up in political families. That Chelsea seems to be doing fine makes me happy, but man, that has to suck.

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My teenager does it now. I'm 36.

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I like that story. It's always nice when people you admire turn out to actually be admirable.

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I hope he goes there in the next debate. I really honestly wish a bitch would. Because *crazy as it sounds,* people actually feel sorry for the person married to the terminal philanderer in these situations, as opposed to the *other* terminal philanderer trying to drag her through the mud. Some of the highest favorables of Hillz's life were when Bill got caught with his fly down, so please, bring it on, Drumpfster Fire.

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We have kept Chelsea out of politics as she grew up. She is now 36, well aware of semen-stained blue dresses - As we all are. What an election.

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I once dropped a box of cereal on her in Tescos when she was going to Oxford University. She was really nice about it. I didn't recognize her but thought her boyfriend was pretty intimidating. It was only later that I realized who she was and that was probably her security detail.

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Papers? Hell, where the heck is she? It's like the Russian Mafia disappeared her after that Convention speech.

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I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are saying or the point you are making.

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Herself? Not much, however Trump claimed he held back because Chelsea was in the audience, so she has the green light. Trump, fully aware of his penchant and skill at humiliating women, thought doing so would somehow allow him to gain an advantage. Then, he expected to be praised for NOT doing it. He got no credit for NOT doing it, and I'm sure he's glad he didn't in hindsight, as his instincts for these sort of things are usually wrong, and backfire spectacularly. Also, Chelsea is her mother's daughter, and neither are the demure, sycophantic type with which Trump has surrounded himself his entire life. She was saying 'Do your worst', knowing it wouldn't mean shit to her or her mother, and would reveal more about him than her.

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She sure was kept out of politics...unless of course you include the jokes that Republicans were making about her as early as 1993 (when she was 13 years old). Sorry, idiots, but you should probably stop making these claims in the age of people being able to spend 10 seconds on Google disproving your sorry ass.

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Wow, Chelsea really has her mom's eyes, those eyes that say, "Go ahead and do it, 'cause I'm tougher than you are and I'm going to hand it right back to you, hot and sideways."

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They powered her down, unplugged her, and put her back in her box.

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I think I may have misunderstood the directions... I sent the third party voters this article and three quarters of them called me an asshole.

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Mine forcibly took me to the ER when I could not breathe and was moaning in pain from the abdominal muscles screaming for mercy during a double ear infection after the flu when I was 42. BUT I HAD WORK IN THE MORNING....

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