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History doesn’t support your theory when it comes to a moderate Dem running against an incumbent Republican. I hope I’m never proved right or wrong on this. Warren 2020, AOC 2028!

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The polls support it quite strongly. Each candidate is a unique individual, so each election is different. And it's not really a surprise to see Biden creaming Trump in the poll, even in the midwest.

Sure, Warren fits my person values a lot better, but can she win where we lost last time? Maybe, maybe not.

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I was leaving Orlando around the time that IT was due to show up to "kick off" ITs reelection campaign, said campaign having been going on since the day IT entered the White House. I saw a yooge billboard reading "Chinese-Americans for Trump!" You can bet that no Chinese Americans ever paid to have that billboard put up. I'm quite sure that ITs campaign/charity/money IT borrowed from any foreign country that wants favors paid for same. IT deserves to be stomped into the ground with those neato keeno golfing shoes IT no doubt wears as bedroom slippers.

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'concrete campaign promise' Snerk.

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Of course a pardon is a admission of guilt. Not sure he could take it.

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He could buy himself a pen recorder on Amazon, have it shipped to a friend's house. Sorry, just trying to brainstorm and help your friend out.

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My friend has to reach the end of his tether. It took my grandfather 28 years to leave my batshit borderline grandmother. It took another friend 20 years to leave his batshit wife. I figure my dear friend is really close at 15 years. But they have to reach the place where they either drop into the abyss with the batshit person or they refuse to jump in just because Batshit said to jump.

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At first I thought, well, you might not be totally correct here, but then as I read further I was like, Ooh, yeah, I think you've got it!!

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Shakespeare is the lobster of the English language. (Foodwise of course. No claws, obviously.)

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"...because he's too focused on how Congress is doing presidential harassment and playing "GOT YER NOSE" with him."

"GOT YER NOSE" made my day.

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Pence could not pardon Trump from impeachment. However, once Pence became President, he could pardon Trump and his family for any federal crime they may have committed. If Trump loses the election, Pence would have no incentive to do so, even if Trump resigned post election.

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Yeah, we'll go with "resonates" and not "horrifies to a degree that prevents conscious thought", definitely.

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"The polls weren't as far off as people like to say they were"

Some individual polls were off, but overall they were pretty accurate. fivethirtyeight.com had an excellent analysis every day and showed tRump with about a 30% chance of winning, which is a pretty good chance. I think people just don't understand polls, statistics, or probability.

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Best GIF ever.

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yet another "worse love story than Twilight". Unless you think that what really spices up an affair of the heart is treason, with the odd assassination/execution thrown in.

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