I read earlier today that Healthcare is a very important issue for folks in the upcoming election, and Dems are focusing on that. Also too, while Dolt45's base is still solidly behind him, it is shrinking.Don't wallow: VOTE!

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See, no gold leaf, no giant fake tits and you don't need to rip anyone off. Apropos of nothing, Trump actually strikes me as miserable most of the time. he has no real friends, he doesn't really party, he seems incapable of experiencing actual love.

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I've been saying this since, well, way before he announced his candidacy. If you get near Trump you will never wash it off. He's the Bog of Eternal Stench.

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Ah. Same as Chicago. Gotcha!

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Unwanted, unloved, uneducated children grow up to become Republicans.

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I thought the GSA was non-partisan.

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why would she go out and lie for him? I'm taking Rick Wilson's new book "Everything Trump Touches Dies" on vacation and it certainly is true. People that were generally fine upstanding citizens are corrupted when they get close to trump.

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I'm just spitballing here but I'm betting his personal matters, the real books, are a total mess that requires constant feeding to keep up the appearance of cash flow. When he dies, there won't be enough cash to pay the taxes and his family will be grifting ties and steaks again. At least little Tiffany (or maybe her mother) was smart enough to know she needed to have a professional education so she doesn't have to rely on the grift.

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Split ticket. Basically, if you live in a strong City Councilman’s ward your streets are beautifully paved. Savvy?

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Did it get worse? I remember we were in the old part of town.

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If I was that rich, I'd put a shit-ton of that cash into saving endangered species, even the ones that aren't "cute." Then I'd buy 20K acres out west, and woe be unto any cattle, sheep or "wild" horse that I see upon it, for they shall become food for vultures, wolves, bears and cougars. I'd have lots of critters, properly contained, a 1500 sq. ft. house, and five or six little cabins that my friends could visit, or live in for a tiny sum. I'd grow lonely dental floss, and maybe some weed, too.

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I was born there in ‘76 so I missed that part.

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A long time ago. In the late '70's, I think. We stopped there on the way to Saranac Lake.

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Don McGhan was at that meeting... Perhaps he already discussed this in his 30 hours of interviews?

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Everyone sucked into his polluted orbit gets corrupted. Congratulations, Republicans. Your festering sore of a party can’t die soon enough.

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And a certain meeting with certain Russians was solely about adopting sweet little Russian babies, too.

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