Maybe but it's not fair to the kids they'd have. A guarantee of a mother AND a father who are both batshit crazy? No kid deserves that.

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I don't do 'apple' but in this they are kicking googles butt

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that is a beautiful example of trolling - all the applause

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*checks we aren't in the same country* go for it!

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Shark Tank liked to have a sympathetic backstory, so some family details were expected. But yeah, "yuppie moms with a hobby" just didn't go over the way they thought.

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I’m a mom & there are a lot of moms who are f**king morons like my neighbor who tells her kids that they don’t get the vaccine because it puts dead babies in your arm. Uh huh & this Delta variant does not play so we’ll see how this goes. Poor kids

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...practically every non-parenting related thing I've ever heard described as "created by moms" has been some kind of bullshit.


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I never say this but uh, 'I'll be in my bunk'.

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That and "I've done a lot of research".

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It's also a woo thing where they tell you what diet you should have based on your blood type. For instance, O is supposed to be the ancient gather phenotype so you should be veggie heavy but no caffeine for some reason despite it been coffee juice. As a O- person who mainlines coffee and loves burger, I call massive BS. Sounds like someone trying to push some alternative health ideas on these radical free-thinkers......

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Took me two minutes to suss out the song you were parroting...


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Which is wingnut code for looking at randos on youtube who have no credentials.

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"Tainted Love" by Softcel.

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They're okay giving and receiving injections of Vienna sausages 😫

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the founders claimed Apple hated them for sharing their "medical autonomy" and "freedom of choice," though it is just as likely that they hated them because they were beautiful.


Somehow snarky comments are funnier if they are true.

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Sheer InSannity got a moment of glory (even here on Wonkette) for briefly appearing to perhaps favor people thinking about getting vaccinated. Of course he was trying to play for both teams at the same time.

He never mentioned social responsibility - getting vax'd to protect others, particularly children under 12 who don't yet have a choice in the matter.

InSannity's approach was to tell people to think about opting in. That's backwards. Folks should consult with qualified medical professionals, perform actual due diligence, etc. to consider opting out.

I urge people between the ages of 10 or 12 and 45 to consult with their doctors about the HPV vaccine. Not to consider getting it. To consider not getting it.

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