So in Saratoga NY, there’s a statue of a boot to commemorate the battle of Saratoga in the revolutionary war. However there’s no name on the memorial to tell you who’s boot it is. The boot belonged to a brave general who led his Tripp’s to victory even after getting shot in the foot and then hurting it again when his horse was shot and fell on the same foot. That general was named Benedict Arnold. I’m leading the fight to put his name on the statue. Arnold may have been a traitor, but he never owned slaves, he wasn’t a racist and he only fought against the United States for a year. Also we should rename West Point back to its original name. Fort Arnold.

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I’d be perfectly happy to let them secede. We wouldn’t have to fire a shot, just let them go and wish them luck

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Mustang Sally would agree!

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Why are we getting history lessons from a guy who thinks the Pyramids were grain silos?

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We already have Trump tower. Named after a traitor!

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She is one of the greatest. I urge everyone to see her live in concert if the opportunity should arise. Legendary!

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Definitely the idiot part.

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He can (and probably will) get back to his own portfolio by suggesting a statue of Fred Trump at a public housing site.

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Carson has a made a career out of telling resentful white evangelicals what they want to hear, which is that systemic racism doesn’t exist, young blacks are solely to blame for their problems, and that whites are fundamentally good people who act from benign motives.

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Trump is getting desperate. how long til Trump starts talking with a southern drawl to attract voters.

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Wayne’s character in The Searchers was more of an anti-hero, with the movie questioning the bitter, vengeful racism that motivated him. Of course, there were probably moviegoers who still heroized the character like they did Archie Bunker.

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I know a former surgeon (his license was finally yanked) who amputated not one wrong leg but two. Not surprisingly, he's also one of the biggest assholes you could ever hope to meet.

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May I suggest Fort Enning and Fort Ragg? Fast, cheap solution.

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Already there. Trump Tower? Named for a traitor!

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Looking forward to Trump expanding his "very fine people on both sides" bullshit by condemning Sherman for his march to the sea. "Sherman was a terrible general, a total dog. He marched to the sea, more and more people are saying. Why didn't he drive? I could have done it in half the time, been free to tee off and sink my balls in some holes. My uncle was a military genius, went to ArmyT, it's hereditary, people are saying I could have won the whole thing for Davis in half the time. Did you know I served, went to military school. Even have a ribbon for bed wetting, no, bigliest bed making under pressure. If it weren't for Peabody, Sherman's march would have ended before he burned down Atlantis, and we'd all be speaking Chinese now."

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Careful – you'll inspire more Tully Bascombes. And sometimes they win, albeit inadvertently.

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