"most of the time, in election years, the home state of whichever team wins ends up voting for the winner of the presidential election"

Even better: since WWII, if the National League team wins the series in an election year, Dems win the White House.

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This has always summed up Repiglican voters to me:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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For me it's the Cincinnati Reds in the '70's. Their '75 and '76 teams were arguably the best to ever play the game. I live in Cub country, but I'll always be a Reds fan. Congrats, Chicago Cubs! 107 more years 'til the next one!

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Can't ever trust those riggers. Law and Order!

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They do that at all the Cubs games...it's a thing. I think the cameramen are high school aged males.

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Yet, he has a bunch of dirt on them?

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If you want to continue to bask in the glow - read "Crazy '08: How a Cast of Cranks, Rogues, Boneheads, and Magnates Created the Greatest Year in Baseball History" by Cait Murphy! It is a lot of fun!

Hard to believe the Cubs were the powerhouse team of the Senior Circuit in the beginning of the previous century. Although less hard today.

"Who ever heard of Chicago losing a game it had to win?"

This is really a good book!

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It's amazing, the number of Indians fans who are saying, "It sucks to lose, but it's not that bad because the Cubbies got one."

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Trump is a lot like the cubs, he won't win anything for 108 years also too,

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Anyway, he really fucking sucks at everything


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Plus the Cavs got some love this summer, so it's not so harsh.

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As wonkeratti of old know, I spend election day working at a church dinner to keep the closest thing this town has for a shelter for the town's few liberals is to keep the town's United Methodist church doors open. I live amongst Southern Baptists and have to deal with the galling sight of our parking lot empty when theirs' is full.

This is because I am a Hillary Clinton Methodist. And this is what we do. This is opposed to the Baptist and Pentecostal dipshits' idea of Xianity.

I take an afternoon break upstairs in the sanctuary. Tuesday I'm going to call it a prayer vigil for Democrats. All of them, Katie.

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I was once part of a flash mob of scantily-clad barbarians that danced outside her and Marcus' dumb gay conversion clinic!

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First, thank you for helping the least among us - when I was a kid growing up in a Methodist family, that was about the most important lesson drilled into me, and I'm pleased to follow it now even as an atheist.

I just don't get these supposed christians supporting Trump, or republicans in general. I'll put my atheist morals up against any of them.

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Now there's a story you can proudly tell the grandkids someday.

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Awwwww. You'd know about being that kind of a loser from experience, wouldn't you? You sound like it.

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